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It’s been four years since we formally left the EU - and its been eight years of trying to square an impossible circle. How do you keep Brexiteers happy, the EU on board and Northern Ireland’s government up and running, all at once?
What the former Prime Minister warned BEFORE the referendum.
Speaking to Sky News, a former British ambassador to Japan noted the impact of Brexit, saying many companies are maintaining a presence in the UK, but moving the bulk of their operations to Europe. / Asked about the former ambassador's assertion, Labour's shadow environment secretary Jim McMahon told Kay Burley: "To some degree, it's a natural consequence of leaving the single market."
Stephen Flynn questioned the PM’s description of the Windsor Agreement as "special, exciting and attractive". / The SNP's Westminster leader asked why other parts of the UK were denied the same status.
Rishi Sunak claimed the UK offers a “very special status” to Scotland when challenged to replicate Northern Ireland’s “special” EU single market access for other home nations.
James O'Brien labels Rishi Sunak's speech in Belfast on Tuesday "unbelievable", after the PM said the amended EU deal put Northern Ireland in "the world's most exciting economic zone".
“The reason that we have food shortages in Britain, and that we don’t have food shortages in Spain – or anywhere else in the European Union – is because of Brexit, and also because of this disastrous Conservative government that has no interest in food production, farming or even food supply", she said in a video shared this morning.
It has now been three years since the UK exited Europe, but Michel Barnier, the man who helped broker the divorce for Europe, and the author of a new book ‘My Secret Brexit Diary’ – says there are still lessons to be learned from the whole experience.
Keir Starmer’s plans to bring the UK closer to the EU could solve Labour’s Brexit conundrum.
Brexit has been "catastrophic" for British businesses and the country has "suffered" as a result, the chairman of Asda has said.
A businessman has discussed how Brexit is increasing the price of food, calling for the UK to rejoin the single market to help the British economy.
This week, Rishi Sunak talked of building 'an economy that embraces the opportunities of Brexit'. Here's 5 mins on Brexit's impact on the economy so far.
In this film, senior FT writers and British businesspeople examine how Brexit hit the UK economy, the political conspiracy of silence, and why there has not yet been a convincing case for a 'Brexit dividend'.
We must rejoin the single market, the London Mayor told LBC, branding leaving the EU as "the biggest piece of self-inflicted harm ever done to a country."
The former UK Ambassador to the EU, Ivan Rogers, explains why even Brexiteers are dismayed over Brexit.
A "perfect storm" of Brexit, covid and poor macroeconomic fiscal policies by the Conservatives has weakened Britain's economy and diminished the UK's standing in Europe, says economist Duncan Weldon.
Maroš Šefčovič says Brussels will launch fresh legal action against UK over treaty obligations.
Speaking on LBC's Tonight with Andrew Marr, the former Chancellor implied that he still felt Brexit was the wrong decision after having stood firmly against it during 2016's referendum.
The Labour leader declares he will counter Boris Johnson's Brexit 'chaos and division' by negotiating the best deal for the British people.
The UK is lagging behind European counterparts in terms of growth because of Brexit, the Director of Tax Research UK tells Nick Ferrari.
ITV News Anglia has been catching up with small businesses across the region to find out more about what the end of the UK's membership of the European Union has meant for their fortunes.
We spoke to Belgian MEP Philippe Lamberts about Sir David Frost’s resignation and how it is being received in Europe.
This is the moment James O'Brien reacts to former Brexit Secretary David Davis telling LBC that the haulage industry's failure to act has led to post-Brexit tanker and HGV driver shortages.