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Farm incomes could fall by more than a half because of post Brexit trade deals, according to a new report. / The Scottish Government have published figures revealing the impact of Free Trade Agreements the UK Government have signed with countries like Australia and New Zealand in the agricultural sector.
Inflation and the cost-of-living crisis – both of which are also linked to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – have been made worse by the cost of Brexit, according to the Ex-Secretary of the Department for Exiting the EU.
'UTTER CAR CRASH by Andrew Bowie. Doesn't accept Brexit has hurt exports / Promises to grow EU trade, but can't say how / Promises simplified processes, but can't say how / Thinks he can negotiate customs with EU members state-by-state.'
This week, Rishi Sunak talked of building 'an economy that embraces the opportunities of Brexit'. Here's 5 mins on Brexit's impact on the economy so far.
In this film, senior FT writers and British businesspeople examine how Brexit hit the UK economy, the political conspiracy of silence, and why there has not yet been a convincing case for a 'Brexit dividend'.
New Zealand television is completely mystified by the amazing #Brexit trade deal Liz Truss keeps boasting about. They can’t understand why she would want to make British farmers poorer and theirs richer. Even the winning side can’t fathom it.
This is how New Zealand TV is reporting the Brexit trade deal with the UK / They visibly can't believe their luck that British farming has been made the "sacrificial lamb" for a deal hugely beneficial to NZ with "negligeable benefits for UK farmers who get nothing in return"
The UK's former permanent representative to the EU suggests that post-Brexit trade deals with New Zealand and Australia contribute little to the country's finances.
A clip of John Bercow mocking Dominic Raab over his predictions about the UK securing a strong trade deal with the US after Brexit has resurfaced now that Johnson and Biden have failed to strike one.
The Australian and UK governments are at odds over why key climate targets were stripped out of a future trade deal.
Former trade negotiator Dmitry Grozoubinski celebrates the "virtually unprecedented result" for Australia in the trade deal with the UK, telling James O'Brien "we've not heard" any benefits for Brits.
Speaking on The Andrew Marr Show, Shadow Secretary of State for Energy Ed Miliband said "it will be disastrous for fisheries to have no deal" and clashed with Marr over the future of the UK's fishing fleet if it remained tied to the single market to get a deal.
There's been a lot of talk about free trade in the Brexit debate, but what exactly is a free trade agreement and how does it differ from what the UK has had with the EU?
One term that keeps cropping up in discussions around Brexit is the customs union. What is it and how does it work?
Michael Gove has endorsed claims that up to 50,000 people will be recruited to carry out customs paperwork under the government's preferred trade deal with the EU. This is after his promise in 2017 that a vote for Brexit would mean cutting the costs of EU red tape.
Guy Hands, Terra Firma Capital Partners chairman and chief investment officer, discusses the impact of Brexit on U.K. exports, investment strategy, and the influence of environmental, social and governance issues on the firm's mergers and acquisitions.
Philip Hammond - Tariff free trade deals would only contribute a tiny amount to our GDP... so we must quash "this myth that third country trade deals will solve all our problems"
"I do worry that people are starting to imagine that a trade deal with Australia is somehow a substitute for being on the doorstep of a market with 500 million people, it's not" says former Australian PM Julia Gillard.
"We've thrown away 50 trade deals (totalling 70 countries). That sort of thing is what makes us prosperous, greatest in world"
Beyond Andrea Jenkyns' sound bites ... reality bites back: "The only countries that do trade with the EU just solely on WTO rules are Cuba, Venezuela, Belarus, Kazakstan, Russia and North Korea."
It has been described as “the most ambitious” and progressive trade deal ever signed by the EU, but what does CETA do? The historic agreement was signed into law in September 2017 by the EU and Canada, after years of negotiation and a protest campaign.