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WTO’s accession chief says Britain’s departure from the EU creates an unprecedented situation that could take years to resolve.
This article, circulated widely on social media at the time of the referendum, claimed in error that EU tariffs starve African farmers. Since then it has been updated with an errata explaining its stated facts and conclusion are wrong. No tariffs are paid except on weapons. / NOTE: This article has now been removed from CAPX. We've linked to a copy from the WayBackMachine web archive.]
The Sun has admitted it got the calculations wrong over an article which calculated the potential savings British shoppers could see once European Union tariffs are removed after Brexit.
The Sun ... "we made our calculations on retail prices, when tariffs are actually applied when goods arrive in the UK. There were also mistakes in the calculations for individual items." / "The article also stated that we pay trade charges on more than 13,000 items from outside the EU. In fact, for many of these goods, no tariffs or charges are payable."
The Sun has finally fessed up to a series of careless calculations suggesting Brexit would see big price drops in UK shops. The tabloid deleted the offending article hours after posting it on February 27. ... Will Brexiters such as Jacob Rees-Mogg, who enthusiastically tweeted the original figures set the record straight also?