Showing: ◈ news×◈ youth×
Michael Heseltine says Brexit will be ’high on the agenda’ if Liz Truss loses general election. / The Tories will never win back younger voters as an anti-Europe and populist party, former cabinet ministers have warned – as they called for trade links with EU to be rebuilt.
A “RECORD high” number of people believe Brexit was a mistake, according to the latest polling.
SDLP Brexit Spokesperson Matthew O’Toole has said the DUP’s “foolhardy pursuit of a hard Brexit” is impacting young people’s futures.
‘What the government once called teething problems have now become a chronic condition’
Government urged to consider youth mobility visa.
Under-18s were one of the groups not obliged to apply for a residency card by the October 4 deadline. We look at what they will need to do later
"I think the Brexit thing, it's destroyed any hopes of chances for young musicians that are trying to make it," Gillespie tells the BBC.
A Conservative MP has warned people under 30 they will not “reap the benefits” of Brexit.
A study by University College London found 18 to 29-year-olds were more concerned about Brexit than catching Covid-19
One in three young people (16 to 35) are considering leaving the UK to work in another European country due to uncertainty around Brexit as well as the Covid-19 pandemic
Deep generational divide over Europe, as young favour EU membership and old want to stay outside. / Boris Johnson’s pleas for the UK to unite following Brexit have fallen on deaf ears, with the country still deeply split over the decision to leave the European Union, a new poll has suggested.
MPs have backed the government in voting against a popular EU programme which for years has helped students to study in other European countries.
Ursula von der Leyen tells students that deal will be ‘for your generation’.
Sir John Major will tonight call on millions of young people to use their votes to derail Boris Johnson’s Brexit plans in an extraordinary general election intervention.
Nearly 200,000 people have applied to register to vote in just 72 hours, and more than half of them are under 35.
The UK’s train operators are to pull out of the Interrail scheme, which has allowed unlimited train travel across Europe for a fixed price for almost 50 years.
Indecision over Britain’s scheduled departure from the European Union three years after referendum feeds clashes within families as attitudes become more entrenched.
RECENT polls have suggested that opinion on independence versus staying in the UK is split almost 50:50. And once Boris Johnson and a possible "no-deal" Brexit are added into the mix, support for independence moves into the lead.
Youth representatives from the Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrats, Green Party and Plaid Cymru urge MPs to back Final Say vote
The country’s children will be forced to clear up the Brexit “chaos” left by politicians, a headteachers’ union leader has said.
Young people are strongly in favour of a People’s Vote – with only 9% against it, survey finds.
Analysis of a YouGov survey for the People’s Vote campaign shared with HuffPost UK revealed 79% of 18-24 year olds in the north east, north west and east and west midlands want another public say on Brexit.
'It is the first time in our long history that any British government has embraced a policy of self-harm, despite their own advisers warning that it will make our nation weaker – and our people poorer.'
Jacob Rees-Mogg and Priti Patel tweet support for offshoot of US group accused of anti-Islam views.