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Britain's decision to make unilateral changes to Northern Irish Brexit arrangements is "not the appropriate behaviour of a respectable country" and will erode trust with the European Union, senior Irish ministers said on Thursday.
‘It’s the British government essentially breaking the protocol – breaking their own commitments again’
The EU is "negotiating with a partner it simply can't trust" in post-Brexit talks, Ireland's foreign minister has said.
Biden likely to look towards EU - not the UK - as its key partner in a number of strategic areas.
Lord Patten said while he hoped for the best for the UK’s future, “I do fear for the worst”
Former Siemens chief Juergen Maier says disruption will last at least six months even if trade deal is reached
PM dug into a corner by refusing to compromise on sovereignty but EU reached ‘pain threshold’
'UNRELIABLE, unpredictable, and untrustworthy" – that's the way Europe now views the UK, according to a new expert report.
Lady Sugg hands in resignation after overseas aid cut by a third.
There is ‘no way’ EU member states will ratify agreement while UK is breaking another one, foreign minister says.
We spoke to Democratic Congressman Brendan Boyle, who sits on the House Committee on Ways and Means, which is responsible for international trade agreements.
Brexit may be "even more brutal than expected" due to the UK's negotiating "failures", Sir John Major has said. / "This action is unprecedented in all our history - and for good reason. It has damaged our reputation around the world."
Former PM strongly critical of Boris Johnson’s internal market bill as Lords reject it
Lord Falconer issues warning as House of Lords prepares to vote on internal market bill.
PM on collision course with Joe Biden and EU if he pushes ahead with "lamentable" proposals.
‘How can we reproach other countries if their behaviour becomes reprehensible when we ourselves have such scant regard for the treaties we sign up to’, former Tory leader says
Downing Street says it is prepared to overturn any changes to the legislation.
Labour's Lord Falconer tells HuffPost UK internal market bill could cost Britain a "terrible price" with peers set to defeat government.
‘The damage is to our standing in the world,’ says former chief justice Igor Judge.
Warning that legislation ‘would undermine rule of law and damage reputation of UK’ passes with thumping majority of 226.
Europe Letter: UK’s reputation diminished as EU capitals digest declaration to break law
DR ROB DAVIDSON, director of Trade Deal Watch, says the UK's government new trade deal with Japan is far from a cause for celebration. It is the first sign of our poorer future following Brexit.
Ursula von der Leyen says EU will ‘never backtrack’ on withdrawal agreement.