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Negotiations over Gibraltar’s post-Brexit border arrangements could risk the government crossing its own red lines about the Rock’s sovereignty, ministers have been warned. / Mark Francois, a Conservative former minister who backed Brexit, could be heard to say ‘Here we go again’.
Five Tory MPs who planned objections to Windsor framework replaced on committee hearing.
Veteran Brexiteer Sir William Cash has accused the prime minister of only scrapping “trivial” EU laws after the government U-turned on its post-Brexit “bonfire” of regulations last week.
A government minister has warned the Democratic Unionist Party that Rishi Sunak's Brexit deal is a good as it is going to get.
Plans to scrap all remaining EU-made laws in the UK by the end of the year have cleared the Commons amid criticism from a senior Brexiteer that the process is not democratic and “possibly incompetent”.
The government's Brexit legislation is not being properly scrutinised because MPs are failing to turn up to parliamentary sessions about it, it has been claimed.
UK scientists are likely to be "frozen out" of EU research programmes because of delays in Brexit negotiations, according to MPs.
‘With each passing day opportunities are missed,’ says Brexit-backing chair of select committee.
Senior Brexiteers endorsed the Prime Minister’s deal but some have now turned against it and want to see it replaced.
"The argument about sovereignty you and I have been having for 60 years. All treaties require pooling of sovereignty"
Conservative MPs have accused senior Eurosceptic Sir Bill Cash of fuelling violence against politicians after he accused Theresa May of "abject surrender" and "capitulation" to the EU.
Nicky Morgan has blamed the language used by some vehement Conservative Brexiters of helping to inspire threats against MPs, as Theresa May prepares for the return of parliament against a backdrop of renewed plots to depose her.