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Seven years on from the referendum, the divisions it exposed still affect how people vote.
Less than a third of Brits think Brexit is ‘done,’ YouGov poll reveals.
Drone pictures reveal how a giant Brexit border control site off the M20 near Ashford is now sitting empty.
Sir Reg Empey says he expects a hearing into how the NI Protocol is affecting medicine supplies on Wednesday to bring “more bad news”.
Boris Johnson agreed in the final hours of the Northern Ireland Protocol negotiations that there would be customs declarations on goods exiting Northern Ireland to Britain, despite the fact that just three weeks later he told businesses in the North there would be "no forms, no checks, no barriers of any kind…," according to a detailed new account of the protocol negotiations.
As Prime Minister Boris Johnson prepares to depart Downing Street, tossed from office by his own party, his legacy — the opening lines of his eventual obituary — will call him the man who “got Brexit done.” / So how is that going? What can be said about the post-Brexit Britain that Johnson is leaving behind?
There's one thing that the two candidates locked in a bad-tempered battle to be Britain's next prime minister agree on: Brexit is nothing to do with any of the woes facing the UK right now. / The inconvenient truth, as the head of the port of Dover has confirmed, is that Brexit has indeed contributed to the chaos.
MPs backed Boris Johnson's plan to tear apart his own deal with the EU - which comes after he claimed he had 'got Brexit done'.
He also criticised the UK government and what he called “the disaster” of Brexit, which had stopped airlines easily recruiting European workers, and thus worsened staff shortages this summer. “This is without doubt one of the inevitable consequences of the disaster that has been Brexit,” he said.
The European Commission's vice president Maros Sefcovic echoed Boris Johnson's 2019 election slogan in a speech in which he accused the UK of a "my way or the highway" approach.
European Commission vice-president says Brussels wants to get ‘Brexit done’ – while London refuses to talk about Northern Ireland.
If other countries don’t trust us to stick to what we agreed, it makes it harder to strike new deals in the future.
Formula 1 driver Sebastian Vettel scathingly criticised prime minister Boris Johnson for breaking his own Covid-19 laws in the partygate scandal and called Brexit a ‘mess’ in his surprise appearance on BBC1’s political debate programme Question Time.
Boris Johnson’s vow to ‘Get Brexit Done’ in 2019 has not been delivered, according to more than half of Britons.
Businesspeople, academics, journalists and a top trade unionist have formed a group with the purpose of repairing fractured UK-EU relations.
"Oxfordians want to build-back-better and level-up but we have one hand tied behind our backs labelled Brexit," the association behind the movement told TLE.
Ireland's deputy PM has warned governments doing trade deals with the UK that it is a nation that "doesn't necessarily keep its word".
Conservative MP Sir Bernard Jenkin claimed the Brexit deal was signed with the government was in a “constitutional crisis” – even though Tories actually had an 80-seat majority at the time.
‘He’s a showman with nothing left to show ... once he had said the words ‘Get Brexit Done’ his plan ran out’.
The end of the holiday season heralds the return to centre stage of a number of burning Brexit-related issues this autumn.
So five years after the referendum, and six months from leaving the single market, what's the slogan from businesses most affected? Bureaucracy, delay, cost.
Brexit is a “living animal” that may never be entirely over, the first EU ambassador to London warns today.
The end of the transition period was merely a staging post within a process that will be long with us, says Chris Grey.
Shipping wine to the UK is now a "bloody nightmare" and it's only likely to get worse.
As Belfast reels after another night of violence on its streets, this bloodshed feels darkly reminiscent of the Troubles. Claire McNeilly reports.