Research relating to Brexit
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How has Brexit changed EU–UK trade flows?
Brexit’s Long-Run Effects on the U.K. Economy - John van Reenen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology [pdf]
The cost of Brexit to June 2022
Brexit changes caused 22.9% slump in UK-EU exports into Q1 2022 - research
Northern Ireland has no voice in managing its energy supply post-Brexit, new research shows
Non-tariff barriers and consumer prices: evidence from Brexit [PDF]
By the end of 2021, Brexit had already cost UK households a total of £5.8 billion in higher food bills – new LSE research
Has Brexit affected the UK’s medical workforce?
How has Brexit changed EU-UK trade flows?
New research shows freedom of movement is not toxic to Leavers, who are almost as positive about it as Remainers
Brexit has damaged Britain’s competitiveness, and will make us poorer in the decade ahead
Rebordering Britain & Britons after Brexit - MIGZEN
Brexit cost the UK billions in lost trade and tax revenues, research finds [3 mins]
What can we know about the cost of Brexit so far?
Post-Brexit Trade Flows with the EU: What Leavers overlooked
Expecting Brexit - Swati Dhingra and Thomas Sampson
Evidence on the Effect of the Brexit Referendum on University Applications in the UK
Brexit losses more than 178 times bigger than trade deal gains – research
Brexit fears started hitting UK trade as early as 2015
The bilateral trade effects of announcement shocks: Brexit as a natural field experiment
The economic benefits of the EU Single Market in goods and services
Policy analysis indicates health-sensitive trade and subsidy reforms are needed in the UK to avoid adverse dietary health impacts post-Brexit
The cost of uncoupling - Nature
Research suggests bots generated social media stories during EU Referendum - Swansea University
How balanced was the debate over Brexit?
No deal is back on the Brexit table
Journal of Social Policy - Brexit special issue, Oct '17
EU families & Eurochildren in Brexiting Britain
Faux Research in the Service of Ideological Deceit during the 2016 EU Referendum Campaign: The Legal Surreality of Leave’s “Sovereignty” Statistics - Michael Dougan
How Brexit affects Least Developed Countries
Brexit could put 1.7 million people around globe into extreme poverty – study
When politics meets science: What impact might Brexit have on organ donation and transplantation in the United Kingdom?
Impacts of Brexit on fruit and vegetable intake and cardiovascular disease in England: a modelling study
CER podcast: What is the cost of Brexit?
CER: What's the cost of Brexit so far?
CER podcast: The cost of Brexit to June 2018
An Airbag for the Crash Test Dummies? EU-UK Negotiations for a Post-Withdrawal “Status Quo” Transitional Regime Under Article 50 TEU
EU Brexit Impact Studies
£350 million a week: The output cost of the Brexit vote
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