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How does dismantling deep integration affect international trade? This paper provides new evidence on the consequences of disintegration by estimating the impact of Brexit on goods trade by UK firms. The UK’s exit from the EU’s single market and customs union in January 2021 led to an immediate, sharp drop in both exports and imports with the EU for the average firm.
In the UK, disillusionment with Brexit has set in. The limitations of Boris Johnson’s Trade and Cooperation Agreement are evident. But Labour’s Keir Starmer, the likely winner of the general election, has only modest ambitions for Britain’s relationship with the EU. Andrew Duff suggests that Labour should be much bolder by adopting a phased approach back to full membership.
This edition of UK in a Changing Europe’s UK-EU Regulatory Divergence Tracker, covers developments from October 2023 to January 2024.
This week Professor Thom Brooks, Professor of Law and Government, launched the most comprehensive report into the issue of asylum seekers using small boats to cross the Channel to Britain. A key finding of the 55 page report is that the Government's Brexit deal is a primary factor.
Our report on the future for health and social care after Brexit. The sector has been harmed by the Brexit outcome in numerous ways including labour shortages, lost collaboration with EU/EEA partners, lost research opportunities. This report sets out how damage can be undone and the sector supported in coming decades.
Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) are the main policy impediment to international trade, yet little is known about their pass-through to prices. This paper exploits the Brexit trade policy shock to quantify how NTBs affect consumer prices and welfare.
Brexit is believed to have a greater damaging impact on the UK's healthcare sector than inflation or COVID-19. / ...a reversal of the referendum result still remained the best outcome of Brexit for the UK's healthcare industry. / The majority of respondents did not believe that the UK remained an attractive destination for healthcare research and manufacturing following Brexit
Why heightened engagement is imperative for Net Zero.
One key finding of my report is that – contrary to claims and opinion otherwise both in government and/or the media – there is no evidence of bias against Brexit by the Civil Service or civil servants. I found no civil servants who attempted to frustrate or disrupt the Brexit negotiations due to their alleged anti-Brexit or pro-European sentiments.
The political decision to leave the European Union has had the unintended consequence that the UK may not be able to access funding from Horizon Europe, the EU’s highly regarded principal funding programme for research and innovation, and the involvement of UK-based researchers in European research consortia has already been damaged by this.
The European Union is likely to introduce among the first, most stringent, and most comprehensive AI regulatory regimes of the world’s major jurisdictions. In this report, we ask whether the EU’s upcoming regulation for AI will diffuse globally, producing a so-called “Brussels Effect”.
The steep rise in small boat crossings across the English Channel is deeply worrying. Ever more lives are put at risk in making the 21-mile journey. ... A key issue is that the Government did not see the problem of small boat crossings as a consequence of its policy failures, most notably its failure to secure a post-Brexit returns arrangement with the EU.
Interesting new analysis published this week by UK in a Changing Europe (UKICE) considers how the post-Brexit immigration system has impacted the UK labour market in the two years since its introduction.
The end of free movement and the introduction of the post-Brexit migration system represents a major structural change to the UK labour market. This working paper provides a descriptive assessment of the impact on a sectoral basis.
The end of the free movement has led to a shortfall of around 330,000 workers in Britain. Most are in less-skilled sectors of the economy.
The impact of Brexit has only added fuel to the fire of severe challenges facing health and social care in the UK, warns the Nuffield Trust.
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial markets regulator and supervisor, is today publishing its Peer Review Report on National Competent Authorities’ (NCAs) handling of firms’ relocation to the European Union (EU) in the context of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.
This paper estimates how Brexit has affected goods trade between the United Kingdom and European Union. Using product-level trade flows between the EU and all other countries in the world as a comparison group, we find a sharp decline in trade from the UK to the EU and significant but smaller reductions in trade from the EU to the UK.
It forms the first of a series of trackers which will keep tabs on the latest developments in the regulatory divergence landscape.
This is the second edition of the tracker, covering changes which took place predominantly between September-December 2021.
This is the third edition of the UK in a Changing Europe’s UK-EU regulatory divergence tracker, covering 27 cases of divergence since December 2021.
This is the fourth edition of the tracker, covering changes which have taken place since March 2022.
A programme of research and commentary on the principles of democracy in the UK constitution, parliament's influence over Brexit, and the implications of these developments for parliamentary reform.
Brexit has not had the expected effect of narrowly reducing exports to the EU, but has instead more broadly reduced how open and competitive Britain’s economy is, which will reduce productivity and wages in the decade ahead, according to new joint Resolution Foundation and LSE research.