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Four years on from Brexit, and seven and a half years after the referendum, the wounds we suffered still smart. Many were denied their democratic voting rights in the 2016 referendum. Many were denied the opportunity to vote against a Brexit government in subsequent general elections. / Yet we still had to deal with the consequences and the removal of our rights, benefits and opportunities.
Reading Tories have held back in supporting a push that would allow all EU citizens the right to vote in elections after Brexit.
But government faces demands to extend the right unilaterally beyond next year.
‘The way they have been treated over the past three years is shameful,’ says frontrunner.
Minister says Labour proposal to enfranchise 2m EU nationals would be ‘assault on democracy’.
The PM said the Labour leader should reconsider plans to extend the franchise to EU nationals living in the UK if the vote goes ahead.
The 12 December election is on a knife edge and tactical voting could stop Boris Johnson keeping the keys to Number 10.
Dominic Grieve says Brexit must be "defining issue" of snap December general election.
Survey for anti-Brexit campaign predicts tactical vote could dent PM’s projected 44-seat majority.
Nearly 200,000 people have applied to register to vote in just 72 hours, and more than half of them are under 35.
A Brexit Party MEP has tweeted a video of himself trying to use EU Parliament voting machines and appearing to claim that they are rigged. / The video tweeted by Lance Forman, the Brexit Party MEP for London, shows him attempting to press the 'no' button on a voting machine.
Data shows only one in 10 EU citizens able to vote in some parts of Britain. / The government has been accused of “shocking complacency” over the European election voting rights controversy as new data revealed that as few as one in 10 EU citizens were able to cast their vote in some areas of Britain.
Campaign groups prepare legal challenge following ‘systemic denial’ of suffrage. / The government is facing the prospect of being sued by campaigners for EU citizens in the UK and British nationals abroad who were denied a vote in the European parliament elections.
I never thought “voter suppression” would be a phrase that I'd ever associate with British politics. Unfortunately, the events witnessed on European Election polling day, which left registered European citizens unable to vote, leave me struggling to find the adequate words to describe how much of a mess it was.
At least three local councils across England and Wales have admitted that they ran out of time to print and send postal ballots for the European elections to some overseas voters, leaving them effectively disenfranchised.
Constitutional Relations Secretary Michael Russell has called for an investigation into reports that EU citizens were unable to vote in the EU Parliament elections.
Thousands of angry voters posted on Twitter using the #DeniedMyVote hashtag to report they had been turned away from polling stations, despite believing they had registered to take part.
EU citizens living in the UK have told of their anger after they were unable to vote in the European elections.
Voters described turning up to take part in the European parliamentary elections only to find their name had been crossed out 'in red pen'.
Thousands of British nationals living abroad have been deprived of their votes in today’s elections due to administrative errors by UK authorities, according to widespread reports.
'At the polling station my British husband gets the ballot while I am simply told: "Vote in your own country!"' / Hundreds of EU citizens hoping to cast their ballots in the European elections have reported being turned away from polling stations.
The BBC has been contacted by British expats from across the world who say their postal voting forms have arrived late, or not at all.
Two-step process for European elections ‘mishandled’ by authorities, says the3million. / Campaigners for non-British or Irish EU citizens have made a formal complaint to the Electoral Commission amid fears many of them will be unable to vote in the UK in this Thursday’s elections for the European parliament.
Government accused of failing to make clear an additional form must be filled in - just two days before voting. / Millions of EU citizens are demanding urgent action to stop them being turned away from polling booths at the European elections because of red tape.