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A government minister has criticised businesses for taking a "head in the sand approach" when preparing for post-Brexit trade.
A top European Union official dealing with the United Kingdom says that a cliff-edge rupture between the two without even a basic trade deal by the end of the year is becoming more likely by the day.
The European Union is ready for every type of Brexit, including granting no further EU access to Britain’s financial sector, the bloc’s candidate for financial services chief said in a document seen by Reuters.
Former security commissioner warns of ‘immediate impact’ on tackling terrorism and crime.
The EU is not contemplating blocking food supplies to Northern Ireland, a representative of the country's largest supermarkets has said.
The Irish leader said he was pessimistic about the chances of a trade deal between the UK and the EU but insisted he can still build a strong relationship with Boris Johnson.
London, UK: Supply chains face a ‘winter of chaos’ from a no-deal Brexit and a second Covid-19 spike, says supply chain management company Scala Consulting.
Ex-deputy prime minister says ‘perfectly routine’ state aid compromise is on offer - and warns ‘Both sides stand to lose from a no-deal, but the UK more’.
Hospital chiefs have been asked to prepare health service for potential disruption from end of 2020.
Shoppers will feel the impact of a no-deal Brexit at supermarket tills, the British Retail Consortium has warned.
Warning from head of North East England Chamber of Commerce is echoed by other organisations.
A no-deal Brexit would be ‘a final nail in the coffin for many companies’, the boss of a manufacturers’ organisation said.
Bank sees little chance of financial services deal with EU.
British and European motor manufacturers have warned of “catastrophic” £100bn losses in the industry over the next five years if a Brexit trade deal is not struck.
Bernard Jenkin says MPs only voted for bill because Johnson promised it could be rejected.
Shockwaves felt both sides of Irish divide over plan to renege on withdrawal agreement.
Prime minister told to stick to agreement, to ‘protect peace and stability on the island and integrity of the single market’
Move threatens to collapse talks that PM has said must be completed within weeks.
The UK's chief Brexit negotiator has said the government is not "scared" of walking away from talks without a trade deal ready to come into force in 2021.
Meeting of EU leaders this month will instead focus on post-Covid recovery and China relations.
In the words of another current cliché, UK science is already ‘world-beating’. But researchers are concerned that ministers’ plans may put that status in jeopardy as MARTIN MCQUILLAN reports.
A leaked Cabinet Office document describes a possible disaster in the coming months.
A leaked "reasonable worst-case scenario" document paints a stark picture about the impact of a no-deal situation while coronavirus pandemic continues.
Downing Street has played down the prospect of food and water shortages this winter if a no-deal Brexit coincides with a second wave of coronavirus.