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Irish reunification may have seemed impossible in recent years - but one analyst believes Brexit has advanced the cause. / Brexit has arguably torn one country apart, but could it soon bring two together? Despite a troubled history between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, a new power-sharing agreement in Stormont may have significantly shifted the goalposts.
Sinn Féin accuses UK government of ‘Tory petulance’ claiming its leader Mary Lou McDonald had been excluded from the talks.
There are still unresolved issues with the Northern Ireland Protocol despite changes made by the EU, says a major pharmaceutical firm.
The Sinn Fein vice president said she has warned newly appointed Secretary of State for the region Shailesh Vara that the Government must stop “placating the DUP” and start being “even-handed” with Stormont’s political parties.
Legislation has been published by the British government this evening which overrides the post-Brexit trade arrangements for Ireland and severely breaches both the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement and international law.
The U.K. government has pushed ahead with controversial plans to unilaterally override post-Brexit trade rules, ratcheting up the risk of a trade war as the European Union prepares to take retaliatory legal action.
A majority of MLAs in the Stormont Assembly have signed a joint letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson stating their opposition to proposed legislation to amend the Northern Ireland Protocol.
Northern Ireland's Assembly will meet on Monday after a successful petition to recall members back to Stormont.
Refusal to nominate speaker derails legislature and raises stakes in London’s dispute with Brussels
Northern Ireland’s second-biggest political party says it will block the formation of a working Belfast legislature, deepening political deadlock over post-Brexit trade rules.
A REFERENDUM on Irish reunification is “closer than ever before” thanks to Brexit, Michelle O’Neill has said.
Sinn Fein was once disparaged as the political wing of the IRA. It’s now on course to be the biggest party in both the north and south of the island.
European media responded with shock and disbelief this morning after a minister in Northern Ireland ordered to end checks on food in his country and the UK declared it won’t do anything about it.
Joe Biden's administration has warned the British government against anything that would put the Northern Ireland peace process at risk.
DUP leader under fire for rejecting EU offer that would remove 80% of protocol checks.
AN SDLP Assembly member has criticised the questioning of new DUP leader Edwin Poots on yesterday's Andrew Marr Show.
Ministers are planning new legislation that would override a key part of last year's EU withdrawal agreement.
The Stormont assembly has joined the Scottish parliament and Welsh assembly in rejecting Boris Johnson's Brexit deal.
Ireland will be united “within a generation” as Brexit speeds up calls for a border poll, the vice-president of Sinn Fein said today.
A leaked cross-government study warning of the impact of a no-deal Brexit outlines a "worst-case scenario", cabinet minister Michael Gove has said.