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Hundreds voice dismay at Sunak and Starmer, accusing them of misreading UK attitudes towards Europe.
Expense of fresh red tape on EU imports is simply ‘cost of doing business’, says Tory minister Andrea Leadsom.
Keir Starmer’s party set out ‘new deal’ for sector – as figures show 6,000 farms have gone bust.
The YouGov poll comes after EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the UK should rejoin the EU to "fix" Brexit.
Former PM made ‘huge mistake’, says Michel Barnier – who backs Labour plan for post-Brexit veterinary deal.
Worried farmers hit out at the government, telling NationalWorld it “has no interest in protecting the agricultural industry at all”.
"Britain can no longer afford to have one hand tied behind our back with new red tape, new costs and lost opportunities from Brexit," Naomi Smith said.
The drumbeats get louder as the call of the wild pulses through the blood of the Conservative party again. The front page of the Telegraph on Thursday splashes, “Cabinet call on PM to ditch ECHR”. On their headcount, a third of the British cabinet want to join Russia and Belarus as pariah states outside the European convention on human rights.
Sadiq Khan wants to talk about the B-word. Or rather, he wishes Keir Starmer would.
A number of Labour MPs believe there is a palpable shift in public opinion on Brexit due to comparatively worse inflation figures in the UK to Europe and ongoing issues with the trade deal with Brussels.
Voters are increasingly realising that Brexit was bad for Britain.
Keir Starmer’s tedious, hardline rhetoric on Brexit actually reveals our path back to Europe.
Labour has gone on the attack over Tory handling of Brexit, with Keir Starmer accusing the Government of "ducking hard conversations" and saying that competitors are "nicking our lunch money".
Sir Keir Starmer has told Sky News the UK needs a "better" Brexit deal and has said a government under his leadership would renegotiate with the EU.
British car factories could be forced to close if the UK does not renegotiate the current Brexit deal, according to one of the largest automakers in the country.
Experts have warned that there is an "existential threat to the UK car industry" as manufacturers consider pulling out of the country.
UK manufacturers could be hit with 10% tariffs from next year unless they can source electric vehicle parts and batteries locally.
Vauxhall bosses warn the UK will be put at a ‘major competitive disadvantage’ without changes to Brexit import rules.
Keir Starmer has said it “feels wrong” not to allow EU citizens who live and pay tax in the UK not to have the right to vote in general elections.
‘Obviously we recognise there are new processes in place,’ says Downing Street. / No 10 has admitted that “new processes” brought in after Brexit has contributed to several days of travel chaos at the Port of Dover.
Stephen Flynn questioned the PM’s description of the Windsor Agreement as "special, exciting and attractive". / The SNP's Westminster leader asked why other parts of the UK were denied the same status.
The European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen is already visiting the UK for final talks with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak about a new deal on the Northern Ireland Protocol.
More support needed, says union – as Keir Starmer vows ‘better trading relationship’ with EU will help farmers.
Keir Starmer’s plans to bring the UK closer to the EU could solve Labour’s Brexit conundrum.
ANAS Sarwar has admitted that Brexit has been a "disaster" for the UK economy - but said he won't back another referendum on rejoining the EU.