Showing: ◈ Keir Starmer×
Shadow Brexit secretary to call for MPs to hold ‘open and frank debate’ to find ‘credible solutions’ to current crisis.
Keir Starmer QC MP talks about the implications of Brexit With the Government’s triggering of Article 50 to begin the formal withdrawal from the European Union imminent, Keir Starmer, Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the EU, joins us in April to discuss the legal implications of Brexit.
Keir Starmer, the shadow Brexit secretary, tells delegates at the Labour party conference in Liverpool that if Theresa May ends negotiations without a deal, 'campaigning for a public vote must be an option … and nobody is ruling out remain as an option'.
A bit of follow-up on Armenian regulatory competences trade nerds, then it's straight into Salzburg OMG she didn't did she she did! and then Labour Conference and the thrill we felt when Starmer said what he said and the Conference did what it did.