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Remember GDPR's Article 27? Well, you might have to after Brexit happens.
Maria - not her real name - was detained at Luton airport after spending a Christmas break in her home country of Spain. / A Spanish woman was deported from the UK after returning from a Christmas holiday in Málaga, despite presenting the necessary Brexit paperwork that showed her right to live and work in the country.
EU citizens in the UK are "expected to beg, bend their knee and show remorse for not knowing" about post-Brexit visa changes, Euronews was told.
Many European residents felt compelled to seek citizenship, but the Britons that Brexit made are not like the rest.
‘Lack of awareness’ of EU settled status scheme restored as reasonable grounds for late applications by permanent residence card holders
An Italian grandmother who has lived in Britain for 42 years has been ordered to leave the UK - after a Home Office email was sent to her junk folder.
Mayor vows to make capital a better place to live to offset ‘shockwaves’ from EU departure.
A Greek dad based in Edinburgh has hit out at the Home Office after he was 'passed from pillar to post' trying to secure a temporary share code that would allow him to complete a mortgage application.
Reading Tories have held back in supporting a push that would allow all EU citizens the right to vote in elections after Brexit.
Government accused of criminalising flying of Brussels flag. / Sadiq Khan’s City Hall office was told it could be prosecuted for flying the EU flag on the anniversary of the Brexit referendum as a goodwill gesture.
Sadiq Khan has defended his blocked attempt to fly the EU flag above his office on the seventh anniversary of the referendum to leave the bloc while speaking to voters on LBC's Speak to Sadiq.
The House of Lords’ European affairs committee has urged the Home Secretary of the United Kingdom, Suella Braverman, to tackle post-Brexit travel problems, taking also into account issues with border officials as well as the new European Union visa system.
Keir Starmer has said it “feels wrong” not to allow EU citizens who live and pay tax in the UK not to have the right to vote in general elections.
It has been almost two and a half years since the United Kingdom signed its post-Brexit trade deal with the European Union (EU), which was expected to have multifaceted impacts on the UK economy.
Scottish Government will leave no stone unturned in its efforts to return Scotland to the European Union.
London mayor Sadiq Khan is to call on the Governmment to ease post-Brexit visa rules, which he warns are putting off young Europeans from visiting and working in the capital.
According to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), the number of EU citizens in the country on a short-term basis fell 10% in the 2021 Census, compared to a decade ago.
This week marks the third anniversary of Brexit. While for some it’s a cause to celebrate or say, “I told you so”, for European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) citizens and their families falling through the cracks of the Home Office system, it is cause for concern.
Around 141,000 nationals of the European Union Member States who decided to remain in the United Kingdom after Brexit, might have to return to the UK government a considerable amount of money that they received by the authorities, due to error.
In a judgment handed down last Friday, the High Court has cast doubt on the British citizenship status of children born in the United Kingdom before 2 October 2000 to EU citizens who did not at that time possess indefinite leave to remain.
Brexit barriers are having a significant impact on North East small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), hitting their exports as they struggle with regulations and red tape, a new report this week reveals. The region’s universities are another sector badly hit...
British citizens living in European nations believe they have had little or no representation since the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, according to a survey by University of Strathclyde researchers.
The number of people who have decided to give up their UK citizenship has increased since the country decided to leave the EU, data obtained by the Independent has shown.
The EU Settlement Scheme means EU citizens with pre-settled status have to reapply after five years otherwise they risk losing the right to live, work, receive healthcare and education and apply for housing and benefits.
The Home Office lost a case over the 'pre-settled-status' rule - which could see up to 2.6million EU citizens become 'illegal overstayers' overnight and 'liable to detention and removal'.