Showing: ◈ African Union×
The European Union – African Union Summit, which is taking place today, is an important milestone. European and African leaders must underline that we depend on each other. A prosperous African future is a prosperous European future, writes a coalition of MEPs.
Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community Relating to the Free Movement of Persons, Right of Residence and Right of Establishment (AU Free Movement Protocol) adopted in 2018.
The African Union, comprised of 55 Member States, has prioritized enhancing regional integration and development, and in 2016 decided to move towards a “borderless” Africa with seamless intracontinental migration.
The African Union is an intergovernmental union that comprises all of the countries of Africa. This video briefly explained what the African Union (AU) is, what it does and which countries are members. It also compares the African Union to the European Union.
Described by some as the EU of Africa, the African Union is a 55 member union that works together to develop a "A United and Strong Africa". In this video we explain the union, how took inspiration from the European Union and what it's planning for the future.
The African Medicines Agency (AMA) is a proposed specialised agency of the African Union (AU) intended to facilitate the harmonisation of medical regulation throughout the African Union. Following a similar model to that of the European Medicines Agency, it is intended to have a wide scope covering medicines, traditional medicine, and medical devices.
The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) was finally signed on the 5th of December 2020 by 54 out of 55 African Union member states, heralding the start of a new era of improved trade governance as intra-continental trade is boosted and African trade arrangements across regional economic communities are harmonised.
African leaders met on Sunday to launch a continental free-trade zone that if successful would unite 1.3 billion people, create a $3.4 trillion economic bloc and usher in a new era of development.
After months of delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the African Continental Free Trade Area launches, but full implementation of the historic pact may take years.
AFRICAN countries officially began trading under a new continent-wide free trade area last Friday.
Volume 2 - Proceedings of the First Congress of African Economists / Les Actes du Premier Congrès des Économistes Africains.
African Union law is the body of law comprising treaties, resolutions and decisions that have direct and indirect application to the member States of the African Union (AU).
Rwandan president Paul Kagame says the African Union could become a strong body as the European Union despite well documented hurdles.
The African Union, or AU, is a pan-African organisation whose goal is to propel a united continent towards peace and prosperity.
The African Union (AU) has adopted a Free Movement Protocol and a draft plan of action to go with it.
"The Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in Africa group together individual countries in subregions for the purposes of achieving greater economic integration."
"The African Union is a geo-political entity covering the entirety of the African continent. Its origin dates back to the First Congress of Independence African States, held in Accra, Ghana, from 15 to 22 April 1958."