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Prime Minister battles to contain growing backbench revolt.
He’s the most effective demagogue in a generation. Now he sets the agenda. / "The Brexit Party’s campaign was a one-man show. While it has a sophisticated digital strategy, the party has no members and no manifesto, and none of its candidates were democratically selected."
The Greens are calling for another referendum on Europe. / The Green party was formed in 1990, and has traditionally stood on a left-wing and environmentalist platform.
The best way to stop Brexit is to support those parties which are unequivocal about staying in the European Union.
A key initiative in the Conservative Party’s 2015 manifesto was to repeal the Human Rights Act 1998. ... On 25 July 2016, a workshop was held at UCL to discuss these plans, and their implications in light of the UK’s new political environment post-Brexit.
Candidates say the party is ‘almost in denial’ over vote and will not publish manifesto. / Conservative officials fear the party could come sixth in the European elections, with their support plummeting to single digits.
'Our manifesto sets out a clear and positive vision for the UK within the EU, and we can achieve it by stopping Brexit'. / Vince Cable's Liberal Democrats are to launch their European elections campaign manifesto today under the blunt slogan: "Bollocks to Brexit".
"Every vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote to stop Brexit and stay in the European Union. We passionately believe that Britain is stronger as part of the European Union and we have led the fight to give the people the final say on the Brexit deal"
No, it isn't the usual sort of language we would use in a political document, but let's be honest: these are not usual times. / ‘Bollocks to Brexit’. That’s the slogan on the front of the Lib Dem’s manifesto, which is officially launched this evening in east London.
Nigel Farage has batted off requests for transparency about the Brexit Party’s policies at a launch announcing their MEP candidates.