Intellectual property rights holders in both jurisdictions now must navigate their way to protection in dual IP systems.
Philip Pullman and Kate Mosse among writers warning that changes being considered could flood UK with cheap foreign editions and threaten livelihoods.
Instead of stripping back literary treasure – I’d call on government to listen closely to creators and retain the current system.
Copyright protection is crucial for UK authors who sell their works abroad, writes Rabina Khan. A change to the law could cost Britain’s publishing industry up to 25 per cent of its print revenue.
The UK Music Industry’s letter to MPs and the Prime Minister calling for an alternative to Brexit
We, the signatories of this letter, represent artists, producers, managers, businesses, and platforms from across the Music Industry in the UK and are writing to express our real concerns over Brexit and the current direction of the UK’s proposed departure from the EU.
Tobacco giants say getting rid of packaging pictures of diseased organs will cost them millions after Brexit
Evidence to back up industry claims 'neither compelling or detailed' say health chiefs who were asked to strike an urgent deal with EU chiefs on tobacco giants' behalf amid Brexit planning.
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