tag: Environment Agency ×12


"You have to blame the government for this whole sorry mess. The industry is out of control and it's our rivers and beaches that are picking up the tab for that profiteering."
EA chief executive Sir James Bevan argues strong environmental regulation crucial to post-pandemic economic recovery.
Water companies in the UK have been accused of failing to monitor the amount of sewage pumped into the sea at popular beaches across the country.
The head of the Environment Agency has called for less rigorous measures to determine water quality in England’s rivers, lakes and beaches after Brexit – a move which would allow the government to classify more waterbodies as being at a high standard.
The head of the Environment Agency has endorsed a proposal to weaken laws on cleanliness of polluted rivers, lakes and coastlines after Brexit.
Exclusive: leaked emails show officials planning crisis centres to manage halt in waste exports to EU.
Waste water plants have been told they may be allowed to discharge effluent that has not been properly treated due to chemical shortages caused by Brexit and the pandemic.


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