UK scientists had been shut out of the multibillion-euro scheme amid drawn-out Brexit negotiations.
Hundreds of researchers and organisations across Europe have called for the rapid association of the UK and Switzerland to Horizon Europe.
UK at risk of 'brain drain' as scientists leave Britain to avoid losing EU research funding
Research is at risk due to a "significant brain drain" as the industry's brightest talents relocate overseas in the wake of Brexit. / A total of 22 UK-based scientists have now decided to leave Britain rather than lose their EU research funding, as uncertainty continues around the future of Research and Development (R&D) support post-Brexit.
The UK government has begun what may be its final effort to resolve a dispute over the UK's membership of the EU's €100bn Horizon research programme.
Still no deal as new Science and Tech dept head claims Britain has 'global-facing alternative' in the wings.
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