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Hundreds voice dismay at Sunak and Starmer, accusing them of misreading UK attitudes towards Europe.
It’s been four years since we formally left the EU - and its been eight years of trying to square an impossible circle. How do you keep Brexiteers happy, the EU on board and Northern Ireland’s government up and running, all at once?
After holding off some formidable competition, Michelle Mone has claimed the coveted title of The New European’s Liar of the Year for 2023.
The year in Brexit 20/12/2023
The past 12 months have been littered with grandiose claims about the benefits of Brexit and the ability of the UK to demand what it wants from the EU. But the sad and inescapable conclusion is that none of those benefits exist and that the UK has been forced into a number of embarrassing retreats and compromises.
Rishi Sunak says he wants to protect the price of your pint - but membership in the EU didn’t stop him.
There was little doubt who came ahead in the spat between Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, and Rishi Sunak last week over Britain rejoining the EU. She began her salvo acknowledging that the EU had “goofed up” in losing Britain, but that it would fall to her children’s generation “to fix it”. The “direction of travel was clear”. Britain one day would rejoin.
Rishi Sunak's Brexit deal renegotiation can pave the way for Labour to agree closer EU ties if it wins power, a shadow minister has said.
The Tory Party has been taken over by cynics and fantasists, says former Telegraph editor Max Hastings – which is why he has decided to vote Labour.
The Prime Minister is facing a strong backlash from business leaders after claiming that “post-Brexit freedoms have enabled the government to cut red tape saving British businesses £1 billion per year."
Jo Foster has asked her MP, Rishi Sunak, three times for help with her businesses struggling after Brexit. She told Politics Editor Ralph Blackburn he needs to face up to reality.
While the prime minister lauds Britain's farmers, the industry struggles to cope with a Brexit triple whammy of his government's own making.
The hot rhetoric of ‘taking back control’ of our borders is being replaced by cold reality.
Rishi Sunak was told that “increased taxes, soaring costs, the impact of Brexit, difficulty finding staff, all combined with the fact that it was your government that crashed the economy” led to four businesses closing.
Rejection of regular EU talks and Horizon dithering prove the PM is running scared of his party’s lunatic fringe.
Scotland’s First Minister has urged Rishi Sunak to secure a deal to join a top European research programme as an agreement inches closer.
The SNP chief also accused the PM of "taking honesty lessons from Boris Johnson".
Sunak boasts of the UK as a leader in technology. He does not remind us that Brexit eroded our position.
The ‘remoaner elite’, the civil service, the BBC, universities, unions, refugees: anything is blamed but Brexit itself.
Project Fear has become Project Reality—just look at Britain’s car industry.
There were sighs of relief in many quarters when it was announced that the British government was not going ahead with plans for a wholesale bonfire of EU regulation.
The UK is lobbying the EU over a Brexit trade deal deadline that carmakers have warned pose a threat to UK industry.
BRITAIN can rest easy. The country’s bananas are safe and will not be subject to “malformation or abnormal curvature” following the UK Government’s decision to abandon throwing 4,000 pieces of EU law onto the Brexit bonfire by the year’s end.
‘A storm is brewing,’ warn Conservative MPs who say their party is ‘giving up on Rishi’, who is seen as a manager rather than a leader.
We have reached a watershed moment in the long Brexit saga. The government’s U-turn this week on the Great Repeal Bill has laid bare the great elephant-sized conundrum that has always been at the heart of Brexit: identifying any significant EU laws that were both holding Britain back and can be ditched without damaging our own economy.
“You bring Brexiters on, you never challenge them. You let them talk utter rubbish about Brexit. Year after year after year.”