A row has broken out over the publication of an intelligence report into Russian covert actions in the UK, with critics saying Downing Street is stalling on its release until after the election.
Landmark Ruling in Strasbourg as MPs Challenge UK Government over Failure to Investigate Russian Interference in Brexit
‘Nothing less than the future of democracy is at stake’ says Caroline Lucas as a cross-party coalition and The Citizens win an unprecedented hearing over electoral safety and national security.
Cooperation vital in the face of twin threats posed by Isis and Russia, warns Andrew Parker
Russia 'emboldened' by Trump, Brexit and Afghanistan evacuation, says ex-GCHQ boss [2 mins]
Russia has been "emboldened" by the Trump era, Brexit and the evacuation of Afghanistan, according to former GCHQ Director Professor Sir David Omand.
Dossier sets out Moscow-linked cyber threats, influence of Russian money and growth of Kremlin ‘enablers’ in UK.
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