Set in a dystopian post-Brexit Britain, a new video game follows the struggles of a bouncer of foreign ancestry in a world of xenophobia and immigrant camps, but gamers are divided over its message.
'Set in an alternate timeline shortly after the United Kingdom's vote to leave the European Union, the player takes the role of a citizen of European heritage who must survive under an authoritarian British government'
The Brexit fallout
Brexit was unquestionably a disaster for the UK’s amusement and gaming industry, said the trade personalities that we asked. / “For our business it was a catastrophe. We lost most of our export trade almost overnight"
One of Britain's success stories is taking a direct hit from Brexit and its impact on labour.
Developers and publishers discuss the challenges they face in securing talent from the Continent
How are post-Brexit changes going to directly impact the hiring of EU talent for UK studios and games businesses?
The changing landscape of our relationship with the EU and the end to freedom of movement is now a reality, and with it comes serious implications for games studios who are looking to hire non-native talent from any of the remaining EU member states.
Valve says that Brexit is behind a temporary hold to its Index RMA process in the UK.
PC hardware manufacturers and retailers are having to play by new rules and suffer higher costs in order to receive shipments of the latest components and peripherals into the UK post-Brexit, industry sources tell PC Gamer.
The European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) has flagged up concerns regarding the impact the UK’s exit from the European Union (EU) will have on the online gambling industry.
Brussels-based industry trade body The European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) has warned the European Union and UK government that current Brexit arrangements carry operational and business concerns for the online gambling sector.
Brexit will hurt UK interactive entertainment and the wider creative and tech industries - our detailed analysis and our discussions with our stakeholders has shown that clearly.