Emily Maitlis Claims BBC's 'Both-Sideism' Over Brexit Led To 'Superficial Balance' [1 min]
Ex-BBC journalist also argued the media failing to tackle the impact of leaving the EU “feels like a conspiracy against the British people”. / Emily Maitlis has criticised the BBC for “both-sideism” in its coverage of Brexit – suggesting its attempts to hear both sides of the argument led to “superficial balance”.
Recalling Newsnight's coverage, Maitlis said: "It might take our producers five minutes to find 60 economists who feared Brexit and five hours to find a sole voice who espoused it. But by the time we went on air we simply had one of each; we presented this unequal effort to our audience as balance. It wasn't."
Emily Maitlis has been widely praised for her criticism of the BBC's coverage of Brexit. / “It might take our producers five minutes to find 60 economists who feared Brexit and five hours to find a sole voice who espoused it," she said. “But by the time we went on air we simply had one of each; we presented this unequal effort to our audience as balance. It wasn’t.”
How balanced was the debate over Brexit?
In the debate over Brexit, accusations of an anti-Brexit or pro-Brexit bias by the media have been a recurring feature.
In a nutshell, the consultation explores the possibility of removing the requirement to use metric units in some areas of trade and commerce. It is a deeply flawed survey over an unnecessary, wasteful and potentially damaging proposal.
Strong UK national press bias in favour of Leave revealed by Press Gazette’s Brexitometer front-page tracker
The UK’s most-read national newspaper titles have shown a strong bias favouring Brexit, Press Gazette analysis of the final month of campaigning shows.
The Brexit self-punishment machine
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