There IS growing pressure to re-run the vote, as Farage predicted there would be – and should be – if the result was 52 per cent - 48 per cent.
Brexit: reckless, a colossal mistake and the result of a fatally flawed referendum - part 1
All this past week, Jon Danzig has been posting videos reminding us of the fatal flaws in the Brexit referendum and demonstrating that it was a sham.
Brexit: reckless, a colossal mistake and the result of a fatally flawed referendum – part 2
All this past week, Jon Danzig has been posting videos reminding us of the fatal flaws in the Brexit referendum and demonstrating that it was a sham.
Churchill wrongly recruited for Brexit
How a Churchill quote was 'stitched up' to support Brexit. Dead people can’t sue or answer back. Maybe that’s why supporters of Brexit thought they could get away with fabricating a quote by Winston Churchill to support Britain leaving the European Union. / [re the 'open sea' quote]
How Winston Churchill, Britain's greatest war leader, promoted "the Union of Europe as a whole" after the Second World War. Talk by journalist Jon Danzig.
EU is not the USSR
There is absolutely no resemblance between the EU and the USSR. Such comparisons are reckless, childish and nonsensical.
In October 2015, I gave a speech to international journalists in Germany called, ‘Newspaper lies can cost lives.’ Less than a year later, Britain voted for Brexit, with one of the main reasons cited as ‘too many migrants’. How did such a fear and dislike of migrants develop? Newspaper lies played an enormous role.
For many years, Daily Mail journalists have used underhand techniques to ensure Britain left the EU. / In the years leading up to the EU referendum, and since, the Daily Mail has published a daily deluge of stories that spread hatred of migrants and the EU.
The Brexit nobody voted for
When people voted for ‘Leave’ on 23 June 2016, nobody had been told – let alone asked – what Leave meant.
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