Showing: ◈ ECtHR×
Brexit has not only failed to deliver on its promise of reducing immigration and controlling borders, but it has also made the immigration issue worse and more difficult to manage. The government’s chaotic and ineffective immigration policies, such as the Rwanda policy, have only added to the problem.
While the government has clarified that the UK will remain a party to the ECHR, as Mark Elliott observes, the Bill aims at ‘substantially decoupling’ the UK from it.
The former UKIPer said Brexit 2.0 would be getting Britain out of the European Court of Human Rights... like Russia.
"Happy Magna Carta day! Let's celebrate due process and equality before the law since 1215! Or, as the Tories would have it, meddling lefty lawyers."
The European Court ruled on Tuesday that the Russian government violated several articles in the European Convention on Human Rights over the course of its 11-month pre-trial detention and posthumous criminal conviction of Sergei Magnitsky.
Creating ‘Euromyths’ has become something of a cottage industry in the UK and the EU more broadly speaking. In fact, it’s so common that the European Commission has its own page dedicated to debunking these Euromyths indexing some 650 myths as of June 2016.
Yesterday Sir David Edward former British ECJ judge appeared on the BBC interviewed by @BBCSimonMcCoy. He explained that the British public had been woefully misinformed by the Leave campaign about the role of the ECJ and the EU in general.
Theresa May will consider axeing the Human Rights Act after Brexit, despite promising she is “committed” to its protections, a minister has revealed.