tag: Nottinghamshire ×5


It's nearly three years since the UK officially left the EU, and people in the Nottinghamshire area that backed Brexit the most remain divided.
"There have always been health service challenges. But I can tell you that within about 100 metres from where I live on my estate there were seven health service staff, qualified nurses and doctors, that upped sticks and went back to the European Union, never to return."
A family farm that has been producing soft fruits for 75 years has said rising costs have forced it to stop growing berries. / "Many of them had come to us for years, they knew it was a good place to work," Ms Starkey said. "But with Brexit it became more difficult and they just did not feel welcome."
The impacts of Brexit, the pandemic and the surging costs of materials are hampering some Nottinghamshire councils in delivering on their housing targets.


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