Showing: ◈ protectionism×
British rice milling industry faces wipe-out from part of a trade deal being discussed with India. First proposed by Boris Johnson, it is also predicted to raise consumer food prices and break UK limits on pesticides.
Boris Johnson warned against ‘protectionism’ and violation of WTO rules.
Speaking on LBC's Tonight with Andrew Marr, the former Chancellor implied that he still felt Brexit was the wrong decision after having stood firmly against it during 2016's referendum.
Biden likely to look towards EU - not the UK - as its key partner in a number of strategic areas.
German leader signals trade compromise less likely as she hardens tone on no-deal Brexit.
Malcolm Turnbull said a UK trade deal with Australia would not replace the benefits of being inside the world's largest trading bloc.
The European Union (EU) and Vietnam on Sunday signed a long-awaited free trade deal that will slash duties on almost all goods, an agreement that pushes back against a rising tide of global protectionism and hailed as a "milestone" by Brussels.
The European Union and Japan will launch the world’s largest free trade zone early next year after their economic partnership cleared a final hurdle on Wednesday. Some 70 percent of European Parliament lawmakers backed the agreement that binds two economies accounting for about a third of global gross domestic product and signals their rejection of protectionism.
Steve and Chris record a pilot of their new podcast, CakeWatch. Issues covered: Nadine Dorries and misogyny; a weaponised civil service; Customs Union cakeism; the BBC; and #lieoftheweek coffee protectionism.