As sewage pours into the sea along England’s south coast, eagle-eyed commentators are flashing back to environment minister Zac Goldsmith that environmental regulations wouldn’t be weakened after Brexit.
AN ACCOUNTANCY company has launched a new business immigration visa service to help firms recruit talent from overseas. / Azets is an international outsourcing advisory group with offices and firms located across Dorset and Hampshire.
Government 'must do all it can' to end Brexit customs fiasco from crippling UK trade, Hampshire business leader warns
MINISTERS must do 'all they can’ to hack away the bureaucratic red tape plaguing post-Brexit trade talks with the EU, a Hampshire business boss has warned.
A family have lost £3,000 on a holiday after the mum was not allowed to board a flight due to a post-Brexit rule for entry to a group of European countries.
Government must close loophole in law, says officer in charge of no-deal planning.
Reduction aims to alleviate congestion at Portsmouth as government contingency planning assumes 70% of lorries will not be ‘border-ready’.
Police risk losing powers to arrest foreign criminals in a no-deal Brexit unless ministers pass laws urgently
The European Arrest Warrant will no longer be valid if the UK leaves the EU without a deal on 31 October.
Portsmouth International Port said it was required by the Government to create the £25 million site which remains unused.
Remain-supporting couple’s house ‘targeted’ with eggs after putting up anti-Boris Johnson poster
A Remain-supporting couple have had their house vandalised after they put up an anti-Boris Johnson poster.
We are a group of people from Winchester and surroundings who are opposed to the UK leaving the EU, an unnecessary and destructive step.
Zac Goldsmith’s claims that Brexit could help the environment have been utterly demolished this week.
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