Showing: ◈ prorogation×
Things are moving far too fast to wait ’til next Friday. Ros Taylor, Alex Andreou and guest David Allen Green gather in the studio to look at the legality of prorogation, the chances of beating it in the courts or elsewhere… and the poor performance of Her Majesty The Queen. Or was it?
The gang despair at the prime minister's planned shut down of parliament and Geri celebrates her final podcast before pastures new.
Court of session in Edinburgh rejects attempt to prevent PM’s prorogation of Commons.
"We, your constituents, are horrified..." the letter begins.
Just nine days ago, Downing Street strongly denied any intention to shut down parliament - but disclosure to Scottish court shows otherwise.
Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson will suspend Parliament for more than a month before Brexit, enraging opponents and raising the stakes in the country's most serious political crisis in decades.
‘Stop the coup’ rallies expected in locations ranging from Manchester to Copenhagen.
Labour and Tory rebels criticise comments as minister insists there will be no food shortages.
He promised during the referendum that we’d get a great Brexit deal. But now Johnson is trying to push through a No Deal Brexit on our country - despite the fact that no one’s ever voted for it.
LOUD were the cheers of the pro-Brexit media and the Brexiteering public on social media when Lord Doherty pronounced yesterday morning that he was not prepared to grant an interim interdict that would have effectively suspended the Queen’s prorogation of parliament.
‘It is undemocratic to shut off parliament,’ European politicians say. ‘We know that democracy works and we need resist threats to it by any means’.
Fiery protests in London saw Green Assembly Member Caroline Russell led away in handcuffs, before activists marched on Buckingham Palace.
The Conservatives who once claimed that Boris Johnson had no plans to prorogue parliament - and would be against such a measure - have gone surprisingly quiet since the prime minister announced the plans.
A petition to stop Boris Johnson's proroguing parliament has hit 1.5 million signatures, just a day after the prime minister announced his plans.
The lord chief justice in Northern Ireland will tomorrow consider granting an immediate injunction to block the suspension of parliament.
MPs must pass a no-confidence vote in the government and trigger a general election
Demonstrators gather to oppose the PM’s move to suspend parliament in the final weeks before the expected Brexit date.
A giant video screen is being driven round Michael Gove's constituency, reminding people that he was against prorogation for a no-deal Brexit just two months ago.
Boris Johnson decision to suspend parliament sends shockwaves around the continent.
‘Shame on you,’ demonstrators shout as they gather outside Downing Street and block roads and bridges.
Protesters ranged from students at the prime minister’s old Oxford college to retired teachers, children and activists.
Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has been slapped down by Number 10 after being filmed in an unguarded moment discussing the reasons for proroguing Parliament.
Demonstrations have been taking place across the UK against Boris Johnson's decision to suspend Parliament in the run-up to Brexit.
Protesters have gathered outside the British embassy in Brussels to demonstrate against Boris Johnson's suspension of parliament.
Parliamentarians must not allow the government to 'avoid scrutiny at this time of national crisis', MPs say. / More than 50 cross-party MPs have vowed to sit in an alternative House of Commons if Boris Johnson suspends parliament ahead of the Brexit deadline.