Britain is still missing out on millions by not joining Horizon – and New Zealand has stolen a march on us
A Kiwi scientist is urging the UK to re-enter the research programme as Rishi Sunak dithers.
Boris Johnson’s days as prime minister may be finally numbered but the damage his government has done will live on, not least in the scientific community where over 100 prestigious EU grants have been withdrawn as the row over the Northern Ireland Protocol poisons relations.
Medicine shortages in the NHS are 'as bad as they've ever been' as a new report blames Brexit for the supply issues. / Antibiotics, hormone replacement therapy drugs, and ADHD medication are all in short supply this winter with NHS chiefs forced to pay gouged prices in order to fulfil demand.
Patients put at risk as crisis hits supplies of vital antibiotics, HRT and anti-depressants. / Vital antibiotics, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drugs are among those in desperately short supply this winter – with the NHS forced to pay over the odds to get drugs into Britain.
The Brexit predictions that came true, those that didn’t—and what we didn’t see coming - BMJ
Six years after the referendum we can disentangle the evidence and judge the effects on health and care, says Richard Vize.
British pharmacists are struggling to get their hands on certain medicines for cancer, epilepsy, diabetes and menopause as drug supply issues intensify in the country.
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