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Leave.EU team told to 'up the spend' on Facebook and 'press it harder”, emails obtained by Channel 4 reveal – the morning after the killing.
We’re not weak, but when you have constant abuse every single day of your life … it’s bound to have an impact on what you do"
From the outside, nothing much has changed yet. From the inside, however, the UK has undergone a radical and at times ugly transformation. The June 2016 referendum has helped set off a chain of events that has impacted many aspects of life in the country.
A Brexit supported businessman who bombarded MPs with a string of ‘vile’ emails including death threats has been jailed for a year.
The Cabinet Minister for the Northern Powerhouse yelled "Britain first! Britain first" in parliament - the same words used by Jo Cox's killer as he shot and stabbed the Labour MP.
"Brexit is a historic mistake. It was pushed through by irresponsible nationalism, based on false promises and shortsightedness," declared Austrian MEP Andreas Schieder who helped prepare the vote. / "Brexit is bad for Britain and Brexit is bad for Europe," he said.
Prime minister insists the best way to honour the MP murdered during the Brexit referendum was to "get Brexit done".
A self-confessed “angry man” who threatened to decapitate former Speaker John Bercow and said Jeremy Corbyn “should be hung” in a five-month tirade of abuse over Brexit is facing jail.
Despite an agreement by all groups to suspend campaigning in the aftermath of Jo Cox’s death, Arron Banks instructed the social media team at Leave.EU to “boost” an existing sponsored Facebook ad.


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