tag: constitutional crisis ×9


'There is no reason to extend parts of the UK Fisheries Bill to Jersey. The inclusion of a Permissive Extent Clause is unwanted and completely unnecessary. Jersey remains in full control of its fisheries legislation and territorial waters.'
Boris Johnson has been warned he could trigger the “gravest” constitutional crisis since Charles I if he refused to resign after losing a vote of no confidence, as a prominent businesswoman threatened a judicial review.
A no-deal Brexit would be the "most serious crisis" Britain has faced since the Second World War, Winston Churchill's grandson has warned.
Parliament will block a no-deal Brexit if unelected people behind Prime Minister Boris Johnson try to wrench Britain out of the European Union on Oct. 31 without agreement, former finance minister Philip Hammond said on Wednesday.
With Brexit literally hours away, we convene Leaver-turned-Article-50-Revoker ROLAND SMITH and law and policy expert DAVID ALLEN GREEN to stare into the abyss. / May blames Parliament... / Why John Bercow’s Eskine Mayhem isn’t a constitutional crisis... / David discusses the Meaningful Vote in terms of Thanos’s Infinity Stones. The fooling of Arron Banks. Chained to a radiator with Seumas Milne.
Boris Johnson accused of acting like Stuart king with ‘divine right to rule’ after Downing Street says UK leaving EU whatever the circumstances.


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