Boris Johnson blames ‘email error’ for not joining EU ventilator scheme - but Matt Hancock says he got it
After initially claiming it did not join an EU scheme for ventilators because of Brexit, it now blames an ‘email error’ for missing the invitation.
'The government walking away from this EU deal just smacks of ideological dogma'
With the NHS under such exceptional pressure during the coronavirus crisis, it’s easy to overlook the fact that the UK’s Brexit transition period ends on December 31. Mark Dayan takes a closer look at how these two challenges for the health service might collide, and says there is a case to err on the side of caution.
Coronavirus: Boris Johnson blames administrative error for failure to sign up to EU equipment help scheme
Downing Street has blamed an administrative error for the UK's failure to sign up to an emergency EU scheme to help procure vital medical equipment to fight coronavirus.
Participation in the scheme is seen as a test of the prime minister's pragmatism on Brexit and Covid-19.
Coronavirus: Brussels rubbishes UK government claim it missed EU ventilator scheme due to 'communications problem'
‘Member states and the UK had the opportunity to signal their interest to participate in any joint procurements,’ says EU spokesperson
Coronavirus: UK failed to join EU ventilator scheme because of 'communication confusion', Michael Gove says
The Cabinet Office minister claimed the UK's omission from the scheme was a communication error, contradicting a Downing Street spokesman.
Coronavirus: UK’s failure to join EU ventilator scheme was ‘political decision’, not communication error, says senior civil servant
Sir Simon McDonald says ministers were briefed on ‘what was on offer’ to UK.
Brussels says UK was briefed on bulk-buying plan and given ‘ample opportunity’ to join.
While Germany has taken in Italian patients for treatment, the UK has failed to participate in an EU ventilator scheme.
Senior Foreign Office official tells MPs that ministers refused scheme because UK had left EU.
Government clarifies position after critics accuse Boris Johnson of putting ‘Brexit over breathing’.
The last chance to save us from a no-deal Brexit has now slipped by. Here’s what we lost today
The negotiations which will set our relationship with our closest neighbours for the next generation are being rushed in a reckless game of chicken.
Britain did not take part in €1.5bn order for kit to protect against Covid-19 despite shortages in NHS.
Government now wants close links with early warning system despite Brexit, source says.
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