◈ Liam Fox×
Britain has received demands to roll back its human rights standards in exchange for progress on post-Brexit trade deals, including from some countries that ministers are pushing to secure agreements with.
The UK won't be able to roll over an EU trade deal with Japan in time for a no-deal Brexit, Trade Secretary Liam Fox has said.
Anger as government admits it will fail to strike Japan or Turkey trade pacts by exit day in event of no-deal
The government has been accused of breaking its promises after it emerged that key trade deals would not be ready by Brexit day in a no-deal scenario.
Trade talks will go ahead despite reported dismay at language used by Liam Fox and Jeremy Hunt.
Richard Porritt, Steve Anglesey and Geri Scott are back for another round of Brexit madness. The team ask 'should Sir Keir quit in protest?' and count Liam Fox's successful trade deals ... on one hand. And Geri predicts the future.
Liam Fox has agreed deals with only seven of 69 countries covered by EU arrangements.
Ministers accused of pressure on developing nations to 'sign up blind’ – without knowing if rollover deals will prove to be second-rate.
People who should know better keep talking about the UK becoming a leader in the World Trade Organization. What exactly does this mean and what are the chances?
Liam Fox said up to 40 would be ready one second after Brexit. Well, they won’t, and the government must be honest about it.
But cabinet colleague Greg Clark said government must "defend" industries from foreign competition.
No-deal Brexit could see import tariffs slashed to zero under ‘extraordinarily damaging’ government plan
Proposal branded ‘ultimate betrayal’ – because it would unilaterally open up UK markets to cheaper goods from across the world.
British businesses fear the move could ruin their industries.
Jacob Rees-Mogg says the benefits of leaving the EU may not be felt for 50 years – and he’s not the only Eurosceptic asking the people of Britain to wait patiently.
Liam Fox tries for Davos trade deals in between shaking a fist for Brexit as corporates walk away
The trade secretary said delayng Brexit would be worse than no deal. The behaviour of big companies shows they think otherwise.
Theresa May seeks to bypass EU with Ireland treaty as No 10 labels MPs’ attempt to give parliament control ‘extremely concerning’
Prime minister launches new plan to win backing for her deal as she prepares to update MPs on way forward
Liam Fox will fail to sign any of the 40 free trade deals he promised for "the second after" Brexit, in time, according to officials inside the UK government.
A transatlantic network of conservative think tanks accidentally published its secret plans to influence US-UK ... Documents outline plans to form an “unprecedented” coalition of hard-Brexit and libertarian think tanks, which will call for Britain to ditch strict EU safety standards – including rules on food and pharmaceuticals – in order to secure a sweeping US-UK trade deal.
Senior MPs including Liam Fox, Andrea Leadsom and Jacob Rees-Mogg have used their expenses to fund a 'party within a party'. / Despite expenses rules stating that MPs cannot claim for research or work “done for, or on behalf of, a political party”, the European Research Group has received over a quarter of a million pounds from MPs who claimed the public cash through their official expenses.
EU withering about UK trade secretary’s view on food standards being minor matter in potential trade deal with US after Brexit
The EU has leapt ahead of the UK in the pursuit of free trade deals with Australia and New Zealand after member states gave the green light for talks to start within weeks.