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British proposal to involve Stormont assembly in backstop alternative knocked back by EU.
CIVIL servants are looking at "funding streams" to support Northern Ireland farmers in the event of a no deal Brexit disrupting cross-border trade in milk and other commodities.
Simon Coveney says British prime minister’s Commons statements ‘very unhelpful’.
Fiach Kelly: The main threat from a crashout is political and constitutional, not economic.
The Tory leadership race has brought a no-deal Brexit closer. Most candidates have either elevated No Deal to a heightened form of Brexit - a "clean" Brexit - or have insisted it is preferable to an extension beyond the current Article 50 deadline of 31 October.
Chair of MPs’ committee hears concerns from locals about Brexit and return to violence. / The consequences of Britain crashing out of the EU without a deal would be “extremely serious” for Northern Ireland, Tom Tugendhat, the chair of the foreign affairs select committee, has warned.
The Irish and British governments are planning to commence talks involving all major parties in Northern Ireland in a bid to restore power-sharing at Stormont, RTÉ News has learned.
EU chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier will visit Dublin on Monday for talks with Leo Varadkar. It is seen as a sign of solidarity for the Irish government ahead of an emergency EU summit in Brussels...
Last week, the prime minister said Northern Ireland was unable to prepare fully for a no-deal Brexit because of the collapse of devolution.
Northern Ireland's chief civil servant has warned a no-deal Brexit could have "grave" consequences for the region.
As Brexit looms, nationalists in Northern Ireland are increasingly looking to Dublin for representation. Now, as Ben Kelly explains, political parties are responding in new, innovative ways.