Showing: ◈ Art. 16 (NIP)×
The UK has given the EU a new deadline of two weeks to agree to axe trade checks introduced by the Brexit deal for Northern Ireland, or risk unilateral action by London.
Unilateral extension over checks on chilled meats likely to be rejected by Brussels.
Maros Sefcovic said they searched for four years for the ‘best solution to the very sensitive situation in Northern Ireland’.
Unionists feel worst ‘sense of hurt’ for 35 years, Loyalist Communities Council tells MPs.
Senior Government sources warned a key part of the Brexit agreement - which Boris Johnson signed with Brussels - relating to Northern Ireland is 'dead in the water'.
Lord Frost attacks EU’s ‘purist’ approach to post-Brexit checks warning they risk stability in Northern Ireland.
[This post will] provide a detailed analysis of an article written by David (now Lord) Frost in this week’s Sunday Telegraph.
‘Is it Article 16? And, if not, which article is he citing?’ Brandon Lewis is asked - as EU prepares legal action
The EU is "negotiating with a partner it simply can't trust" in post-Brexit talks, Ireland's foreign minister has said.
Article 16 of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland seems to be fated to become one of those legal provisions known by their number alone, like Article 50 or Section 28.
Party leadership urges Boris Johnson to trigger Article 16.
Northern Ireland dominated Brexit negotiations for years and remains a highly contentious element of EU-UK relations. The nature of the UK’s departure from the EU means the issue will not go away any time soon.
In the 31 days since Brexit was signed, sealed and delivered we’ve seen no end of complaints and ‘red-tape’ measures imposed upon traders and customers who deal with Europe, which hasn’t been helped by the coronavirus pandemic.
The government is facing fresh criticism over the Northern Ireland Protocol amid warnings it obstructs the "free movement" of the military.
MPs told of how Brexit bureaucracy leaves lorries stranded for hours without right paperwork.