Showing: ◈ Keir Starmer×
Labour leadership frontrunner was only candidate at Dudley hustings not to reject idea of reversing Brexit.
The Labour leadership contender said he would 'of course bring back, argue for, challenge' as he made a passionate plea for EU citizens to live and work in the UK - and vice versa.
‘The way they have been treated over the past three years is shameful,’ says frontrunner.
Cabinet minister appears to pitch to Brexit Party voters, after No.10 rule out extension to transition period at end of 2020.
The Conservatives have been accused of releasing a misleading campaign video after doctoring footage to falsely suggest that a senior Labour figure had been unable to answer a question about Brexit.
Labour's Keir Starmer says No 10 briefing shows PM "never takes responsibility for his own actions", accusing him of a "reckless blame game" with the EU.
Report cites leaked proposals for clearance areas 5-10 miles from border and real-time tracking of goods.
Labour claims that PM is aiming to invoke emergency powers using the Civil Contingencies Act.
Decision on prorogation expected to now go to UK Supreme Court next week. MPs demand parliament be recalled.
'It was obvious to everybody that shutting down parliament at this crucial time was the wrong thing to do'.
Scottish National Party MP calls for immediate recall of parliament.
MPs who want to stop a no-deal Brexit will seek to bring forward legislation against it this week, shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer has said.
Just hours before letter to Donald Tusk, one EU leader insisted withdrawal agreement ‘cannot be reopened’.
Opposition MPs have lost critical vote on a bid to prevent a future Tory prime minister from forcing through a no-deal Brexit.
Opposition day debate picked for motion backed by SNP, Lib Dems, Greens and a Tory MP.
Labour has tabled a cross-party motion to try to stop a future prime minister pushing through a no-deal Brexit against the wishes of MPs.
Huge constitutional clash looms if Tory rebels join bid to spike guns of a new Tory leader. / Boris Johnson’s vow to deliver a no-deal Brexit is facing a major cross-party ambush after Labour moved to give parliament new control over the process.
'MPs cannot be bystanders while the next Tory PM tries to crash the UK out of the EU,' says Starmer. / Labour will mount a bid to seize control of the Commons agenda to prevent the next Tory prime minister forcing through a no-deal Brexit.
Keir Starmer has expressed doubts that any cross-party Brexit deal lacking a confirmatory referendum could pass parliament, warning up to 150 Labour MPs would reject an agreement that did not include one.
Keir Starmer denies new poll would case social unrest.
Richard Porritt, Steve Anglesey and Geri Scott are back for another round of Brexit madness. The team ask 'should Sir Keir quit in protest?' and count Liam Fox's successful trade deals ... on one hand. And Geri predicts the future.
Labour leader struggling to balance conflicting forces in his party over Brexit.
First time Labour leader has formally demanded Commons should get option of 'legislation' on People's Vote.