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Shadow business secretary says plan to bring PM’s deal back to Commons is dangerous. / The government is refusing to budge on Labour’s central demand for a permanent customs union in cross-party talks on Brexit, according to Rebecca Long-Bailey, the shadow business secretary.
A Brexit involving staying in the customs union would leave the UK £80bn worse off a year than if it had remained in the EU, a report says. / The National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) said tax income would fall by £13bn a year.
The African Economic Community (AEC) is an organization of African Union states establishing grounds for mutual economic development among the majority of African states. The stated goals of the organization include the creation of free trade areas, customs unions, a single market, a central bank, and a common currency.
A few clips from this morning's @CommonsEUexit.
Pascal Lamy less than subtle with his hand gestures and eye-roll on live TV.
While politicians fail to understand the basics of the Single Market and customs unions, retailers are spending millions mitigating the risk of a ’no-deal’ Brexit – this cannot continue.
Labour’s proposal may not be as simple as it seems: a customs union is favourable but comes with downsides.
Andrew Bridgen—a Conservative Party MP and Brexit supporter—claims that the “overwhelming majority” of EU member states have no steel industry.
Chancellor Philip Hammond indicated the Tories may give ground on customs arrangements.
As MPs prepare for second round of indicative votes, here’s a guide to each motion.
The UK chief executive of the German manufacturing group Siemens has said Brexit is making Britain an international “laughing stock”, while urging MPs to pursue a softer withdrawal from the EU.
Tory former chancellor Ken Clarke’s customs union plan is expected to be voted on.
The First Minister said stopping Brexit altogether was her party's 'top priority'.
Foreign secretary admits there is 'wind in the sails' of pro-referendum campaigners.
Another day, another ‘no breakthrough on the backstop‘ story. At the eleventh hour, a dose of reality seems to be setting in over the question of the Northern Ireland Brexit backstop.
This evening, Michel Barnier said the EU was ready to offer Britain a unilateral exit from the customs union while maintaining the other elements of the backstop.
Michel Barnier makes final offer on Irish border that falls short of Theresa May's demands.
Theresa May faces a fresh headache over her Brexit strategy after peers inflicted a defeat on the government in favour of keeping the UK in a customs union with the EU.
Preparations begin amid belief beleaguered prime minister will be forced to offer Labour the potentially crucial compromise.
Evan Davis interviews Sandro Gozi, Italy's undersecretary for European affairs about Theresa May's vision for Brexit.
Deputy Frans Timmermans accuses Tory Brexiters of a ‘cavalier’ approach to peace. / Jean-Claude Juncker has told Theresa May in a private phone call that shifting her red lines in favour of a permanent customs union is the price she will need to pay for the EU revising the Irish backstop.
Sir Ivan Rogers said extending Article 50 is "not a given" and extreme Leavers and Remainers were pushing UK to cliff edge.