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EU withdrawal fuelling higher import costs and costing British workers nearly £500 a year, says Resolution Foundation.
LSE report says even sectors unscathed from coronavirus crisis will be severely impacted.
The Brexit vote precipitated the unravelling of the UK's membership of the world's deepest economic integration agreement. The paper reviews evidence on the realized economic effects of Brexit.
Their forecast of income gains from Brexit contrasts with all other economic analysis, write Thomas Sampson, Swati Dhingra, Gianmarco Ottaviano and John Van Reenen.
It is highly uncertain what the UK’s future would look like outside the European Union (EU), which makes ‘Brexit’ a leap into the unknown. This report reviews the advantages and drawbacks of the most likely options.
Even after years of division and vitriol, it seems like Britain still needs to talk about Brexit. / More than six years after voting to leave the European Union, the UK is facing a prolonged recession and a deep cost-of-living crisis. Last week’s Autumn Statement heralded years of higher taxes and cuts to public spending.
Swati Dhingra of the Centre for Economic Policy at the London School of Economics talks about the key economics of Brexit The interview was recorded at the Royal Economic Society annual conference at The University of Sussex in Spring 2016 and produced by Econ Films.
How has the Leave vote affected the UK economy, ask Swati Dhingra and Thomas Sampson (LSE) in this second of two blogs based on the CEP Election Analysis briefing on Brexit.
Brexit is hurting the UK economy, Bank of England officials said Wednesday, even as government leaders downplay the impact of the seismic EU withdrawal.


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