Algarve ‘Brexit balls-up’
Brits in several municipalities discover biometric data for new residency cards ‘can only be processed in Lisbon’.
An estate agency has announced what it calls a ‘Global Citizenship Division’ to take advantage of a surge in interest for homes that come with permanent residence.
British expats hit by crackdown on Brexit ‘golden visas’ as property prices soar in Portugal
A British travel writer hit by rising property prices in Portugal says the government’s recent crackdown is targeting the wrong people.
Britons living in Portugal are complaining of being deprived of access to basic rights such as healthcare, employment and social security because they have not been issued with post-Brexit residency cards.
Hundreds of UK nationals who moved to Portugal before the end of the Brexit deadline are being caught out by delays in the processing of their residency applications.
Concerns over Brexit pensioners
Activists from the 3 million organisation have said that it is "worrying" that people of retirement age represent only 2.6% of European citizens' applications for post-'Brexit' residence status in the UK.
Fourteen countries likely to take tough stance in future talks about fisheries if access to UK waters does not improve.
Your passport may not be valid because of a change in the rules.
David Walker, who voted for Brexit "on impulse", says he did not think about how the vote could affect his lifestyle.
KNG Securities is pleased to announce that it has chosen Lisbon to be the new base for its European Union operations following the United Kingdom’s departure from the trading bloc.
Now that the United Kingdom has officially been out of the European Union for well over two years, many people, particularly the younger generation, have been seriously considering their position on this tiny sceptred isle, and have started to look further afield as the once abundant amount of opportunities dries up in front of our very eyes.
A major consequence has been to the rights of British nationals to move freely around Europe to travel, live and work; especially so for those with holiday homes who now find themselves limited to 90 days in every 180.
One in three UK business owners fear their company won’t exist anymore in a year as Brexit onslaught intensifies
Nearly one in three fear their company will close before the end of this year, primarily as the long-term effects of Brexit start to bite, according to alarming data shared with City A.M. this morning.
Portugal has announced plans to open separate customs lanes for British tourists at its airports after the UK leaves the European Union, as it seeks to prevent a post-Brexit slump in its tourism industry.
Siza acknowledges negative impact of Brexit
Economy Minister Pedro Siza Vieira has acknowledged that Brexit had a negative economic and political impact on Portugal, in an interview published The Times.
Lloyds and Barclays among banks taking action due to lack of post-Brexit trade deal.
One British citizen living in Portugal said he felt like an ‘illegal immigrant’.
UK exports to EU could drop by another 8 per cent as Finland, Luxembourg, Portugal and Greece benefit from Brexit
Brexit could reduce the UK’s exports to the EU by -7.73 per cent by 2025, according to new analysis shared with City A.M. this morning.
What the leaders of EU countries think about Boris Johnson's proposals for the Irish Border
None of the EU27 have expressed support, but not all have actually shared their opinions on the new proposals.
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