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Peers also voted to provide EU citizens with physical proof of their right to stay in UK.
Peers back three amendments including right of EU citizens to physical proof of right to stay in UK.
Our fundamental values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law are under direct threat. The next election has to produce a different outcome, and we'll get it by holding the prime minister accountable
Brussels’ former top law officer has rubbished Boris Johnson’s extraordinary plan to sabotage the EU and make it ‘no longer legal’, arguing it makes no sense.
The ruling from Europe’s highest court, released on Monday, is a blow to Poland’s nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) government, which has drastically increased control over the judiciary in recent years.
Michel Barnier said in his letter to the Brexit secretary that citizens’ rights could not be picked apart from the withdrawal agreement.
The EU executive has already prepared the ground for a new initiative on gene editing to overhaul the current GMO legislation, EU agriculture commissioner Phil Hogan has said.
A large number of our readers have asked us to factcheck a list of claims about the Lisbon Treaty, or “what will actually happen if we stay in the EU”, which has gone viral on social media.
On 29 March Theresa May sent a six-page letter notifying the EU of the UK's intention to leave. The Article 50 letter contained a clause little discussed at the time - notifying the EU of the UK's withdrawal from the European Atomic Energy Community, also known as Euratom.
Yesterday Sir David Edward former British ECJ judge appeared on the BBC interviewed by @BBCSimonMcCoy. He explained that the British public had been woefully misinformed by the Leave campaign about the role of the ECJ and the EU in general.
London MEP says it is 'clear the government cannot be left to its own devices when it comes to keeping our water sources safe'.
As part of our Road to Brexit series, former European Court of Justice judge Sir David Edward warns that withdrawal from the court will not be simple.
Nation’s largest wetland among protected sites in danger, with European authorities able to intervene when other legal challenges have failed.
Britons dismayed by the loss of their European Union citizenship next year as a result of Brexit will have their complaints reviewed by the EU’s top court following a ruling by a Dutch judge on Wednesday.
Institute for Direct Democracy denied funds as EU’s anti-fraud office investigates ‘irregularities’. / A political group linked to Ukip has lost a legal attempt to restore EU funds that were suspended over fraud allegations, adding to financial pressure on Eurosceptic parties.
British citizens will be less safe if ministers fail to retain access to “mission critical” European intelligence services after Brexit, according to the former Metropolitan Police commissioner Lord Condon.
An analysis by the party suggests the European Criminal Records Information System is used 250 times a day by UK police and courts. / Theresa May’s “overly dogmatic” approach to the Brexit negotiations risks police losing access to vital shared criminal databases with the EU used an estimated 250 times a day by UK authorities, the Liberal Democrats have warned.
20 sites fail safe bathing criteria stoking fears UK will once more be ‘dirty man of Europe’ after Brexit
The ruling matches legal advice given to the court last week by its advocate general, who said as a sovereign country Britain could reverse its decision even at this late stage. The legal decision is significant because means Britain could prevent a no-deal Brexit from happening if it wanted.