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Seven years since the referendum, how have the “promises” made by the most prominent Brexiteers panned out? Here’s a rundown of the 10 most spectacular untruths.
Lord Moylan has claimed Vote Leave never claimed Turkey was imminently going to join the EU.
Tory leadership candidate Penny Mordaunt has again repeated a false claim she made during the 2016 referendum campaign that the UK wouldn't have been able to block Turkey from joining the EU.
Penny Mordaunt has repeated her notorious false claim that the UK was unable to stop Turkey joining the EU – insisting the veto would not have been used.
Despite its claims of exceptionalism and the freedom to succeed outside of the European Union, in reality, the UK is no longer in the room where it happens, says former British diplomat Alexandra Hall Hall.
Dan Hannan has a problem with the truth. The arch-Brexiter – who is back in the news with his book, What Next: How to get the best from Brexit – keeps getting his facts wrong on his pet topic. Here are nine errors and disingenuous remarks the Tory MEP has made in recent months.
New Zealand now stands between the United Kingdom and its hopes of entering the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement (CPTPP).
'The Brexiters have no more idea in private than they do in public about what they are doing. Predictions based upon their concealed intent project on to them a competence they simply don’t possess.'
The sale of British Steel to Chinese firm Jingye could be scuppered by French intervention.
Sources say PM’s insistence on Ireland customs border means there is no basis for discussions
Foreign minister says country will not seek to have casting vote.
Leaked resolution says MEPs will use veto against any Brexit deal without a backstop.
Parliament's Brexit steering group says backstop is not up for renegotiation.
Turkey is losing its champion in Europe, just as the president distances himself from the EU – and democracy.
"EU rules are divided into 35 policy areas and in 10 years Turkey only managed to adopt the rules on one: science and research. In most other areas it has not even made a start."
A large number of our readers have asked us to factcheck a list of claims about the Lisbon Treaty, or “what will actually happen if we stay in the EU”, which has gone viral on social media.
'I've spoken to ambassadors from various countries and there is no hope of us getting a veto to stop an extension'
Brexiteers are lobbying among EU nations for a veto to an extension of Article 50, it has been reported. The UK needs approval from all EU member states before any request for an extension to the Brexit deadline can be granted. And in theory one veto would be enough to derail the request.
French president says legal process could only be extended on the back of a ‘new choice’ by the UK.
We asked EU law specialist Professor Michael Dougan, about the frequent claim that remaining in the EU would mean getting involved in an "EU army".