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THE chair of a major campaign to get Scotland back in the EU has pledged to work to make sure the “complete disaster” of Brexit will not be “brushed under the carpet” at the next General Election.
As A&E wait times seem to hit new record highs with every passing week, the issue of blocked beds (or delayed discharge) comes more and more into focus. But what is often excluded from the picture is Brexit, which experts say has exacerbated the problem.
So how is it going? In economic terms, the past year has helped differentiate the impact of Covid from the impact of Brexit. / Doing so has exposed a hefty price being paid by many firms, as well as public service employment, for dislocation of Britain from its nearest neighbour's trading bloc.
The party's constitution secretary said the SNP would be pushing for a second independence referendum- despite a ruling from the Supreme Court that the Scottish Parliament had no power to hold a plebiscite.
The people of Scotland must be given a choice about their future given the damage inflicted by Brexit, Constitution Secretary Angus Robertson has said. / Marking two years since the end of the transition period to leave the European Union after 47 years of membership, Mr Robertson highlighted the negative impacts Brexit continues to have on Scotland’s economy.
SNP ministers have clashed with their counterparts in London in a row over Levelling Up and a £300 million shortfall. / Richard Lochhead said the post-Brexit Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) would deliver just £212m to projects north of the border over the next three years.
THERE have been no advantages to leaving the European Union, the Constitution Secretary has said on the second anniversary of the end of the Brexit transition period.
Keith Brown challenged pro-Union parties at Holyrood to explain how they would reverse "the dismal downwards trend" caused by the UK leaving the EU.
Some of these are hopefully short-term issues and can be recovered from. Another problem, however, is contributing to the hardship faced by Scottish households and will do so for the long term: Brexit.
Goods worth nearly £3.5 billion are awaiting completion in Scottish manufacturers’ warehouses as key parts, ingredients and materials are delayed because of supply-chain issues fuelled by the pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and Brexit, a survey has found.
Former SNP Deputy Leader Stewart Hosie fumed at the impact of Brexit on NHS staffing levels.
The survey also put support for the SNP in a de facto referendum general election at 53%.
A SCOTTISH firm has revealed how it was forced to abandon all trade with Europe after Brexit hammered the “nail into the coffin” of its export business.
THE value of Scotland’s exports to the EU has fallen by billions since Brexit, with every one of the country’s 32 local authorities being affected.
Walkers and climbers have picked Dundee to highlight a campaign to save Scotland’s hill paths after Brexit put an end to EU funding for trail maintenance.
“As is becoming clearer by the day, achieving independence is not now just desirable, it is essential if Scotland is to escape the disaster of Brexit.”
Fishing leaders from the north-east coast to Orkney and the Western Isles have joined calls to plead with the UK Government for a re-think of Brexit immigration rules.
Those living in North Lanarkshire face a shortfall of £157 million according to MP Marion Fellows.
Aberdeenshire East MSP Gillian Martin has urged UK Government to involve Scottish agriculture and Scottish Government on trade decisions affecting the sector.
Local MP Richard Thomson has highlighted a report from an All-Party Parliamentary Group which has found “unwelcome detrimental impacts on livelihoods” as a result of Brexit.
A NORTH-east MSP has claimed businesses and households in the region are suffering due to the effects of Brexit.
We are stuck in the Tory game of make-believe that everything is coming up roses in an English country garden. The reality is that following Brexit the rest of the world looks at England with a mixture of perplexity, pity, and amused contempt.
UK GOVERNMENT plans threatening nuclear and radiation safety laws in a “Brexit bonfire” have provoked resistance from regulators and trade unionists, opposition from Scottish ministers, and alarm from campaigners.
Under the government's Brexit plans, thousands of laws and regulations are to be scrapped or rewritten by ministers with no proper scrutiny.