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As the Conservative Party in the UK enters the final phase of its leadership race, the contenders were encouraged by European leaders to be realistic about what they could expect to achieve on Brexit when they enter No. 10 Downing Street.
As the possibility of a no-deal Brexit scenario increases, and the government publishes its “no-deal preparedness” notices, it is worth taking stock of the sheer variety of problems that would arise with a no-deal Brexit – and the devastating consequences that would arise from such a legal limbo. Here’s what we know so far.
The government has not spoken to French ports and has used satellite imagery to make "untested" assumptions for its no-deal Brexit plans for Portsmouth.
The Irish shipping industry has seen a marked increase in business as companies bypass British ports amid Brexit fears.
Cabinet said to be unhappy at plans to divert officers to Kent while knife crime soars
Town hall chiefs are ready to walk out on talks with Whitehall. / Emergency plans to tackle no-deal Brexit chaos at UK ports are so “very basic” transport chiefs stand accused of using Google Maps to draw them up.
Food prices could rise between 5% and 10% if there is a disorderly Brexit, the Bank of England governor, Mark Carney, has warned.
Approximately 1,000 new veterinary and customs inspectors are set to be hired to deal with Brexit, An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, has announced this evening.
Following a Cabinet meeting at Derrynane in Co Kerry, Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar announced that the Government will hire over 1,000 new customs and veterinary inspectors before 2021 to administer at our ports and airports as Ireland prepares for a possible hard Brexit.
A decision on budget cuts which could have prevented Ramsgate reopening as a ferry port in the event of a no-deal Brexit has been delayed.
Goods dispatched in coming days may not arrive until after 29 March deadline.
In 11 key policy areas, POLITICO reporters look ahead to March 30, 2019.
Pharmacists say minor delays at ports could have knock-on effects in lean supply chain.
Despite persistently asking for answers I’ve not had a single reply from Government on the implications for Liverpool, its port, its industries and businesses.
Tony's in Helsinki at the EPP's Spitzenkandidat coronation / No deal and what it means for Irish businesses (spoiler - lot's of paperwork) / BDO's Carol Lynch gives ground level view on what will happen at Irish ports and to Irish businesses if no deal is agreed, or later if a free trade agreement is reached.
The chief of the Port of Calais has branded Chris Grayling “disrespectful” for handing ferry companies £100m in a bid to prepare for a no-deal Brexit.
More than 100 lorries have descended on a disused airfield in Kent to stage a massive fake traffic jam – all in the name of Brexit. The bizarre scene is a government test of its plans for UK border disruption in the event the UK leaves with no-deal.
Ramsgate Port will not be ready in time to welcome extra ferry services in the event of a no-deal Brexit, a councillor for the area fears.
In this episode of #3Blokes, Jason and I meet up with Adam again (standing in for Ciaran) and travel down to Southampton to discuss the impact of #Brexit on the UK's largest vehicle port. ... we also touch upon the utter ridiculousness of Theresa May's grand trade embassy to Africa... to secure a deal which emulates EXACTLY the one we have via the EU ...
The UK has spent more than £100m chartering additional ferries amid mounting fears over “severe congestion” at Dover in the event of a no-deal Brexit.