This week on the Brexit podcast for the reality-based community… The “staggering economic illiteracy” of Brexit cheerleader Prof Patrick Minford. Will civil servants come to Britain’s rescue? Why the European Free Trade Association Court is “less boring than it sounds”.
Remainiacs - DealCast: The Fake Escape
Intra-Christmas Emergency Edition. Having cancelled Christmas, Johnson then ruined what was left of it by crowing about his Deal. But what’s in it? How should Remainers feel about it? Where did Britain cave? Have British fish been sold down the river? Why is nobody talking about services? And exactly how much of that tasty, tasty control has Brexit Britain really taken back?
REMAINIACS is a no flim flam Brexit podcast for everyone who knows that leaving the EU won't be un morceau de gateau. We're not sick of experts and we won't shut up and get over it.
Remainiacs Ep. 100 - ONE HUNDREDTH SHOW! May’s delay, Labour People’s Vote flip, Common Market 2.0, Ireland and more
Huge thanks to May and Corbyn for laying on some quality material for our extended 100th podcast. Labour finally, finally comes out for a People’s Vote. But what needs to happen first? Can TIG claim credit? And are we in for another grudging 60% campaigning performance from Jeremy?
Remainiacs Ep. 101 - THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM: We look at Brexit bribery, Ladies For Leave and the elephants in the room
This week, the last desperate moves before next week’s descent in the Hellmouth of Final Votes. Has Theresa May’s attempts to bribe Labour MPs from Leave constituencies backfired? Just how wobbly is Labour’s “commitment” to a People’s Vote? And who will run candidates in the 2019 European Parliamentary Elections if Brexit is extended and Britain has to participate?
Remainiacs Ep. 102 - BREXIT: FINAL FANTASY? with special guests LAYLA MORAN MP and Tim McInerney of The Irish Passport
The flaming wreckage of The Deal is all around us (yet again) but what happens next? Can Theresa May salvage anything from her plans and career? Is there enough turd polish around to give the Deal another go-round? What even is Malthouse 2.0? And is it democratically necessary to give the people the option to vote for catastrophe?
Remainiacs Ep. 103 - AFTERMATHCAST: Ok, so what exactly happened in Brexit’s latest Hell Week?
After a week like that we just had to reconvene and perform triage on the Deal, the People’s Vote, the state of May’s governmental authority and all the other walking wounded of the Brexit Infinity War.
Remainiacs Ep. 104 - EDGE OF DESTRUCTION: Time runs out with guests Roland Smith and David Allen Green
With Brexit literally hours away, we convene Leaver-turned-Article-50-Revoker ROLAND SMITH and law and policy expert DAVID ALLEN GREEN to stare into the abyss. / May blames Parliament... / Why John Bercow’s Eskine Mayhem isn’t a constitutional crisis... / David discusses the Meaningful Vote in terms of Thanos’s Infinity Stones. The fooling of Arron Banks. Chained to a radiator with Seumas Milne.
Remainiacs Ep. 105: Special edition - TONY BLAIR on this week’s crisis, how to win another Referendum and more
It’s a big one. TONY BLAIR, former Labour Prime Minister and now head of his Global Institute, talks to Dorian, Naomi and Ian about escape routes from the current Parliamentary chaos. /
The March. The Revoke petition. The Government that can’t govern and the amendment that put MPs in charge of Britain’s destiny at last. Was this the week that Brexiters lost control of Brexit?
As MV3 turns out to be DOA we hotfoot it into febrile Soho to read the steaming entrails of the May Deal.
Here’s the audio from Sunday’s PodcastLive at The Light in London... Have a listen to this special “raw and uncut” edition in which we look at the very latest in the May/Corbyn love-in/Blame Tennis tournament… ask whether anything can be done about Britain’s obsession with the War...
Remainiacs Ep. 110 - STOP THE CLOCKS: The delay is away, plus Future Politics with Jamie Susskind
As Theresa May bows to the inevitable and asks for a short delay to Brexit, we ask what it’ll mean when a merciful EU insists on rather a longer one. Do the hard Brexit headbangers have what it takes to bring her down or are the ERG now fatally split? Were the Lab-Con talks just about optics? What is “perfidious Albion” anyway? ...
Remainiacs Ep. 112: FAILURE TO LAUNCH: Have Remain parties blown the EU elections? PLUS 1975 Referendum retro special
Why can’t the Remain parties get their acts together for the European Parliament elections, the most important vote on the EU since the Referendum? Historian ROBERT SAUNDERS joins us to explain what lessons we should have learned from the 1975 Referendum ... If we’re going to “remain and reform” what exactly is that supposed to mean? And could we pull it off anyway?
How did a sweeping local elections vote for Remain parties become an instruction to “just get Brexit done”? / ALEX SOBEL, the pro-People’s Vote Labour MP for Leeds North West, joins us to unpick the spin around a vote that saw both Labour and the Tories receive a bloody nose – and then try to explain it away.
Remainiacs Ep. 115: THE EVE OF THE WAR with special guest Stephen Bush of the New Statesman
As the EU Election clock ticks remorselessly down to zero we’re joined by the New Statesman’s political editor STEPHEN BUSH. / What will Labour’s “all things to everyone” stance to do its vote? How do we fight the Brexit Party’s “all rage, no content’’ politics? Just how screwed are the Conservatives?
It’s Euro elections week and lots of us STILL don’t know who to vote for. On Friday 17 May we brought together people from the key national parties who are hunting the Remainer vote to make their pitch in semi-hustings format. London MEP candidates DINESH DHAMIJA (Lib Dems), LAURA PARKER (Labour) and JAN ROSTOWSKI (Change UK) plus AMELIA WOMACK (Deputy Leader of the Greens for England and Wales).
Remainiacs Ep. 117: VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE BARREL Our trade future with guest Dmitry Grozoubinski
Negotiator and trade expert Dmitry Grozoubinski explains the reality of No Deal. / What’s in the WAB and has any May idea ever died quite so quickly? Final learnings from the EU Election campaign that everyone pretended never was. The pros and cons of milkshaking. Astroturfing for fun and profit.
Who REALLY won the EU elections, the #DeniedMyVote scandal, the ruins of Labour and the Tories… / After the EU parliamentary elections turned into a straight-up showdown between the Remain bloc and the Brexit Party, who’s in charge now – and what’s left of the Tories and Labour?
It’s a big one this week as the redoubtable DOMINIC GRIEVE MP – former Attorney General, unbowed People’s Vote advocate... /
This week ANAND MENON – commentator, director of UK In A Changing Europe and Moriarty to Ian Dunt’s Sherlock Holmes – joins us in our fancy new studio to perform triage on the Tory leadership battle and all the latest Brexit catastrophes.
Remainiacs Ep. 123: RISE OF THE TROLLITICIANS plus comedian Kieran Hodgson on the lessons of 1975
Brexit Party Ltd’s antics in Strasbourg grow more obnoxious ... Should Vladimir Putin’s pronouncement that “liberalism is dead” worry us? ... And character comedian KIERAN HODGSON joins us to explain how his show ‘75’ – about the first EU referendum, and returning to London and Edinburgh soon – tells us much about the 2016 one.
So much for the Special Relationship… In an unprecedented week in which PM-to-be Boris Johnson effectively fired Britain’s ambassador to the USA to placate a bullying Donald Trump, we look into Britain’s humiliating future as a taker of orders from bigger international players.
They put tweets that Brexiters would rather forget on giant billboards, chased Farage around the country with reminders of his lies, and annoyed loony-right glove puppet Guido Fawkes so much he outed them for spite. / Why we need to stop calling it ‘prorogation’ and call it an executive coup instead. / Nina destroys the argument that we have to leave the EU to trade freely in a hot minute.
So it’s come to this… Boris Johnson finally gets to sit in the Big Chair. Where do we go from here? / Plus special guest Gavin Esler talks us through his new book Brexit Without The Bullshit, his short rollercoaster ride as a Change UK candidate, and the war of facts vs fiction that defines Brexit. Oh, and there is hope! Her name is Jo Swinson.
This week HEIDI ALLEN – independent MP, recovering Tory and battle-scarred CHUK veteran – joins us in the Brexit blunderdome. How can we create a Remain Alliance when the clock is ticking? What’s Johnson planning for Election ’19 and how do we fight the Vote Leave ERG Goverment? What can we learn from the CHUK episode? And much, much more
Lib Dems on the march? General Election plans scattered? As the Brecon and Radnorshire by-election result reduces Johnson’s majority to just one, Naomi Smith, Alex Andreou and guest Rob Blackie convene to sort out what it all means.
This week: Why Dominic Cummings is putting out information chaff to create the impression of activity. Which good Remainy cause are YOU going to donate your shiny Brexit 50p to? Would Paddington Bear be rejected for Settled Status? Why are the Brexiters placing their faith in the WTO and Trump just as Trump is trying to neuter the WTO itself?
Remainiacs Ep. 131: EMERGENCYCAST: Have We Got GNUs For You with special guest David Allen Green
If Remainer Conservatives and Lib Dems can’t swallow their notion of Jeremy Corbyn, Interim Prime Minister, who CAN they agree on? Exactly how would we get to our Government of National Unity anyway? How long would it last? Why there is no Season Finale Reset Button for Article 50. What would the Remain Dominic Cummings do?
Let’s parlez Brexit! The Prime Minister went to Paris and Berlin and all he got us was this lousy imaginary Backstop fix. What was the purpose of Johnson’s Euro drive-by and what’s going to happen when it turns out that you can’t fix in 30 days what hasn’t been fixed in three years? Plus rock’n’roll Remainiac and national treasure GUY GARVEY of Elbow ...
The moment of truth is finally here. Johnson-Cummings have decided it’s necessary to destroy parliamentary sovereignty in order to “save” it. But the Remain Alliance finally has its act together — and the numbers to stop No Deal.
Things are moving far too fast to wait ’til next Friday. Ros Taylor, Alex Andreou and guest David Allen Green gather in the studio to look at the legality of prorogation, the chances of beating it in the courts or elsewhere… and the poor performance of Her Majesty The Queen. Or was it?
The Johnson-Cummings plan is in bits on the floor of Parliament and Bojo’s jolly mask has well and truly slipped. As the petulant boy king threatens a General Election he can’t deliver, the Remainiacs team gather with special guest and journo Jonathan Lis of think tank British Influence to work out what happened and what it all really means.
As the Prorogue Leader’s plans fall apart at the first hurdle, we look at the fallout of The Week It All Went Wrong. Will a silenced Parliament speak louder than an active one could? Does Johnson have any real power left? And will there be anything remaining of the Tory Party ... / Plus BRIDGET PHILLIPSON, Labour MP for Houghton and Sunderland South.
The “distinguished”* legal expert DAVID ALLEN GREEN joins us to explain the consequences of the Scottish Court of Sessions’ bombshell ruling in a little extra Remainiacs for one week only.
Remainiacs Ep. 139: JUDGMENT DAY Supreme Court EmergencyCast with David Allen Green and Schona Jolly QC
Just how damning was the Supreme Court judgment on Johnson’s illegal prorogation? How on earth can the Government brief against the most significant constitutional judgment in – possibly – centuries? Where do we go from here? Should we all go out and get drunk? And who would pick fight with Lady Hale, with her laser eye and her spider brooch?
As Parliament returns in righteous anger ... the Remainiacs team reconvene to find out if everything really has changed. / Should the Labour Party be grateful that the Supreme Court furore took the spotlight off the Brexit stitch-up at its conference? Who spiked Geoffrey Cox’s latte with crazy juice and how did Barry Shearman handle it? ... And why won’t Boris Johnson resign?
A Sunday bonus: the first of our two DEMOCALYPSE 2019 shows at the Leicester Square Theatre from Monday 23 Sept, in case you couldn’t make it or you want to “experience the magic” again. /
Remainiacs Ep. 142: O, BUFFER WHERE ART THOU? Johnson’s border plans – plus WTO trade fun
Government breaks its promise on no customs checks in the island of Ireland / Is Johnson throwing Ireland under the Boris Bus (again)? / Priti Patel decides that Britain is not a country but a Russell Group university. / What really makes Dominic Cummings tick? / Chris Southworth of the International Chamber of Commerce gives us the latest on those amazing WTO terms
What did we think would happen in the Supreme Court the following day (and how wrong were we)? Who are our Brexit Heroes and why? What has Brexit done to the nature of British identity? And – most importantly – who will get what in the next rounds of Leave Or Remain? It’s all worth listening to and still 90% relevant.
As the clock ticks down to Zero Hour, will the Government’s performative anti-Brussels bolshiness come back to bite it? ... Project Fear comes true, but still can’t cut through. How to shut up people who shout “LISBON TREATY!” as if it’s some magic word to dispel all anti-Brexit argument. And what are we going to spend all that Get Ready For Brexit ad money on?
Boris Johnson thinks he’s got a deal. Arlene Foster isn’t so sure. Nobody knows what’s in the deal – but some of the ERG think it’ll pass the Commons anyway. The Remainiacs team gather to work out what we know, what we don’t know… and what we think will be put before Parliament on Saturday.
The Vote. The March. The Deal and the Amendments. The balance of power. And the decision? As we steel ourselves for the biggest day in this whole struggle, Dorian Lynskey, Ros Taylor and Ian Dunt assemble to examine what’s on the table, how we got here and how we might get out of it.
We were expecting a funeral march. Instead we got a victory procession – of sorts. After the big march and the even bigger vote, heroic Best For Britain march organiser Naomi Smith and truly knackered journo Ian Dunt join Andrew Harrison in an echoey Portcullis House to work out exactly what happened, and what happens next.
The day after the May Deal finally fell to a record defeat (with an even worse vote than her projected result if she hadn’t bottled it in December) Ian Dunt, Naomi Smith and Dorian Lynskey convene to ask what the hell is going on and how will it all end.
Remainiacs Ep. 95 - SQUEAKY BREXIT TIME? Breaking down Plan B with special guest Steve Analyst
Business intelligence expert and super-tweeter STEVE ANALYST joins us to see where the Undead Deal goes next, and explore the myriad amendments it’ll undergo next week. And how are YOU going to vote in the 2019 European Elections? Because you know what, you might have to…
Remainiacs Ep. 97 - CAVALIERS vs. ROUNDHEADS with guest MARK GATISS of League Of Gentlemen
We are thrilled to have the great MARK GATISS – writer, star of ‘The League Of Gentlemen‘, 'Sherlock' and 'Doctor Who', and five-star unyielding Remainer – as this week’s special guest on Remainiacs. / Why “alternative arrangements” means yet more blind man’s Brexit. Why Labour really fears the Backstop. More on the shameless liar Daniel Kawcynzski MP.
It’s a special edition of Remainiacs as we welcome our brothers-in-podcasting STEVE BULLOCK AKA @GuitarMoog (left) and CHRIS KENDALL AKA @ottocrat of the brilliant Cakewatch podcast for what the world is already calling the Yalta Conference of Remain.
Remainiacs Ep. 99 - THE NOTORIOUS T.I.G.? Labour and Tory breakaways – with special guest Cristo Foufas
Eight Labour MPs including Luciana Berger and Chuka Umunna quit Labour over anti-semitism and Corbyn’s intransigence over Brexit. Then three Tory women – Heidi Allen, Anna Soubry and Sarah Woollaston – resign from the party they now say is irrevocably dominated by the hard Right and its ERG extremists. What can the Independent Group achieve and what must they do to achieve it?
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