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The legislation begins its passage through the House of Lords on Monday and is likely to be heavily amended.
UK PM Boris Johnson had been wildly happy about his new EU exit deal; then he introduced a law undermining both it, and the last round of trade negotiations. Speaking with two former permanent secretaries of the UK’s EU exit department, Matt Ross asks whether Johnson is applying firm leverage – or deliberately sabotaging the trade talks.
Average supermarket truck ‘will need 400 certifications’ to enter from British mainland.
SF MLA says changes to withdrawal deal would drive ‘coach and horses’ through Belfast Agreement.
A letter from the UK government to Stormont's Agriculture Department instructs it to start work on check-points at NI's sea ports without delay.
Shockwaves felt both sides of Irish divide over plan to renege on withdrawal agreement.
The flow of certain food products into Northern Ireland could be halted if expanded Irish Sea check points are not ready for the end of the Brexit transition period, MLAs have been warned.
On 7 October last year, there was a defining phone call between Boris Johnson and Angel Merkel.
'The NI Assembly’s vote is a clear indication that Boris Johnson must rethink and do the right thing for those across the UK'
The UK government has told Stormont officials that post-Brexit custom checks will now be imposed in ports across the region.
Ministers’ letter confirms border control posts at ports of Belfast, Warrenpoint and Larne.
Junior minister reveals UK officials have confirmed ‘physical posts at ports of entry’ for Northern Ireland.
MICHAEL Gove has suggested that EU officials may need to cross the border into the north in order to oversee checks on goods.
A formal division was not required as there were no dissenting votes.
Decision by Northern Ireland’s MLAs will not affect UK’s departure from EU at end of month.
The Northern Ireland Assembly has passed a motion withholding consent for the UK's withdrawal from the European Union.
The Stormont assembly has joined the Scottish parliament and Welsh assembly in rejecting Boris Johnson's Brexit deal.
Northern political leaders face major challenge after striking deal.
EU and UK negotiators reach a new Brexit agreement that would avoid a hard border.
Under the proposals being considered, the EU would allow the unilateral revocation of the backstop if both Sinn Fein and the DUP agreed.
Leaked papers obtained by the Guardian show extent of fundamental objections Brussels has raised.
Sources say PM’s insistence on Ireland customs border means there is no basis for discussions
Parliament Brexit chief says proposal is ‘mainly a repackaging of the bad ideas that have already been floated in the past’.
Ireland's deputy prime minister has said his country "cannot possibly" support Boris Johnson's Brexit plan, and encouraged the UK to come back with something "fit for purpose".