The European Union's patience with Britain over Brexit is "wearing thin" and the bloc is considering its options if Number 10 continues on a "confrontational path", an official has claimed.
Joe Biden is set to raise pressure on Boris Johnson to not go back on the post-Brexit Northern Ireland treaty before the pair attend the G7 summit later this week in Cornwall.
The US president is expected to tell Johnson to solve the Northern Ireland impasse in a pre-G7 meeting, reports suggest.
US president Joe Biden is set to issue a fresh Brexit warning to prime minister Boris Johnson during their first face-to-face meeting at the G7 summit this week.
Brexit impact on Northern Ireland ‘more difficult than we anticipated,’ says senior minister
A senior minister has admitted that the Brexit impact on Northern Ireland was “more difficult than we anticipated”.
DUP leader under fire for rejecting EU offer that would remove 80% of protocol checks.
AN SDLP Assembly member has criticised the questioning of new DUP leader Edwin Poots on yesterday's Andrew Marr Show.
There remains “real incomprehension, in Britain, of the objective, sometimes mechanical consequences of its choices."
Unionists feel worst ‘sense of hurt’ for 35 years, Loyalist Communities Council tells MPs.
Brexit is a political Ponzi scheme
It is increasingly clear that Brexit has cost not saved money, encumbered not liberated trade, inhibited not enhanced our sovereignty, and threatens to break up the UK. In fact, argues Nick Westcott, it is nothing more than a political Ponzi scheme – and it is still going on.
SDLP’s Brexit spokesman says Frost’s attempts to unpick NI protocol risking investment.
Britain and Europe: “The Hope Still Lives”
This is an edited version of the Julian Priestley Memorial Lecture delivered by the author on 7 May 2021.
Which way do the political winds blow in Northern Ireland? The centennial of the decision to remain in the United Kingdom has been overshadowed by the infighting within the Democratic Unionist Party of the now outgoing First Minister Arlene Foster, pushed out by her own rank and file. We ask if that signals a further tack to the right for the Christian fundamentalist, pro-Brexit DUP...
Northern Ireland was created 100 years ago Monday, but the day passed with little fanfare.
US has ‘no closer ally’ than Britain but must protect Good Friday Agreement, says Blinken
1998 Good Friday Agreement ‘a historic achievement that we should protect’, says Blinken.
How a referendum would be triggered and the options offered to voters are fraught with difficulty
Northern Ireland’s First Minister Arlene Foster laid out her plan to quit, sparking further upheaval at a time when London and Dublin are seeking to calm tensions in the region.
Northern Ireland: Petrol bombs won't demolish a border in the Irish Sea or turn back the tide of Brexit
The Protocol has reaffirmed Unionism's worst fears that Northern Ireland is the unwanted child of the British government.
The list of bizarre things Boris Johnson is proposing to do to an international treaty he negotiated is growing. The target of these notions is the Northern Ireland protocol, which parliament ratified as part of the UK-EU withdrawal agreement more than a year ago.
As Belfast reels after another night of violence on its streets, this bloodshed feels darkly reminiscent of the Troubles. Claire McNeilly reports.
Great Brexit Con Job
Get Brexit Done’ has unravelled in a spectacular fashion; a significant knock to the economy, removal of rights and freedoms, more red tape for business and – the most heart-breaking of all – trouble has returned to Northern Ireland. The obvious answer to this foreseeable problem is for the UK to be part of the single market and customs union.
How Brexit Lit the Fuse in Northern Ireland
Loyalist fears that Boris Johnson is abandoning them have sparked a wave of violence that could endanger the Good Friday Agreement.
Molotov cocktails and barricades have returned to Northern Ireland. The conflict there is 4 centuries old. But Brexit is the new reason why the situation has reached the boiling point in what had been an era of peace.