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Tattie growing is a must for most veg growers and the quality of seed potatoes is pivotal. It’s long been recognised that Scottish seed potatoes produce more vigorous crops with higher yields than those produced almost anywhere else in the world.
A year after leaving the EU, the real costs of Brexit are becoming clear to many West Lothian businesses. / SNP group leader, Councillor Janet Campbell, has told how Brexit costs are adding to every facet of daily life, from medicines to door locks.
With political chaos brewing in Northern Ireland because of trade rules, a related threat means that post-Brexit UK market rules could stop Scotland setting higher environmental standards than other parts of the UK.
A Midlothian MSP has been told to move on from constitutional debate after a survey revealed that most Brits do not believe Brexit has benefited the United Kingdom.
One year after Brexit, Scotland’s fishing industry is still mired in chaos, leaving many businesses fearing for their future as deliveries to Europe continue to be snarled in costly red tape and delays.
THE Scottish Government has warned the nation could be set to miss out on hundreds of millions of pounds if the UK Government breaks its promise to match EU funding post-Brexit.
“If these proposals involve changing the law in devolved policy areas, then pressing ahead without the consent of the Scottish parliament would demonstrate yet again the UK government’s intent to undermine devolution," a senior Scottish minister has said.
John Swinney accused the Tories of "no prior consultation, no engagement, no dialogue" on the issue.
John Swinney has claimed Boris Johnson and the Tories are "undermining" devolution as he blasted the controversial Brexit Freedoms Bill.
BORIS Johnson’s “Brexit Freedoms” Bill poses a direct threat to the powers of the Scottish Parliament, the deputy first minister has warned.
Scotland’s rural affairs secretary hit out at the UK leaving the EU two years on from the finalisation of a deal to leave the bloc.
The government has set out a plan to overhaul EU laws copied over after Brexit - a move it says will cut unnecessary "red tape" for businesses.
Scotland’s Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon was speaking ahead of an inter-governmental meeting on the two-year anniversary of Brexit.
SCOTS may face a referendum on the European Union post-independence under plans currently being considered by the SNP, according to reports.
JOANNA Cherry has accused Boris Johnson's Government's of a "power grab" over plans to limit the use of a legal procedure successfully used by Brexit opponents.
The number of European Union (EU) students signing up for Scottish higher education courses is continuing to fall following Brexit, it has been warned.
Work to establish the real impact of Brexit on council services has been commissioned by Midlothian Council to give ‘clarity’ to the situation.
A FAMILY with settled status in the UK has told how confusion over post-Brexit immigration rules left them struggling to return to their home in Scotland after a Christmas break.
GLASGOW'S music scene has been recognised as one of the world’s best and has birthed some of the finest musicians, from Simple Minds and Wet Wet Wet, to Mogwai, Deacon Blue and Belle and Sebastian.
We’re still only seeing the start of the changes Brexit will bring to the seafood industry (and, in truth, the entire food and beverage sector). In the coming years, there will be continual changes as we adjust our operating model and there’s no clear view on when it will settle down.
As Johnson and Gove back off their pledge to scrap VAT for fuel, EU structural funds are not being fully replaced.
A road trip through the ancient past and shaky future of the (dis)United Kingdom. / The grim reality for Britain as it faces up to 2022 is that no other major power on Earth stands quite as close to its own dissolution.
Many Scottish food and drink suppliers plan to decrease or stop exports to the EU amid the regulatory fallout from Brexit, an industry survey suggests.
There is a "desperate need" to reform immigration rules to address crippling staff shortages in Scotland's food and drink sector, industry leaders have said.
The Scottish Government has signalled its intention for Scotland to re-join the EU as an independent nation. / Brexit has been labelled as an “ongoing, cumulative calamity” – one year on from the UK cutting ties with the EU.