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UK traffic is down 49% for the month, but European freight is up by 446% year-on-year, with "unprecedented demand" for the new direct services which opened up since 1 January between Rosslare and the continent.
At 23:00 on New Year's Eve a new EU trade border was effectively created in Northern Ireland's ports. / The first of these grace periods is set to expire at the end of March and businesses are already anxious about what comes next.
In Rosslare -- the second busiest freight hub in Ireland -- there are signs logistics firms may be charting a new course to Europe: the one with least resistance.
The Irish port of Rosslare has seen a staggering increase in traffic since the Brexit transition period ended, as hauliers seek new routes bypassing Britain to link the Republic with the EU.
Letter says government needs to act quickly to resolve customs issues faced by exporters following Brexit
Cork could get new direct link with Saint-Malo - and the service could start by early March.
Britain’s departure from the European Union has triggered the biggest change in trade since it joined the bloc 48 years ago, with companies grappling with export documents, longer delivery times and the need to re-engineer supply chains.
British ports expected gridlock after post-Brexit trade rules began on Jan. 1. Instead, some are nearly empty as truckers stay away, reluctant to spend hours waiting for newly required export documents.
Fishermen in Northern Ireland have written to the prime minister insisting they get a fair share of additional UK quotas secured by Brexit.
The Welsh seafood industry needs urgent help to survive Brexit disruption at ports, the environment minister has warned.
Irish hauliers are bypassing Welsh ports to avoid Brexit bureaucracy, industry leaders say.
More ferries are to sail directly from Ireland to the European mainland in a move to circumvent the traditional trade route over mainland England and Wales.
Lull in traffic means delays haven’t hit major U.K. ports, yet. / Trucks delayed at pick-up points as customs agents struggle.
Perishable seafood first casualty of Boris Johnson’s new trade barriers.
The end of the transition period late on New Year's Eve brought into force the different regulatory and customs arrangements to the rest of the UK.
Lorry traffic through Holyhead, the UK's second largest port, has fallen to about one-third of its usual capacity, port operator Stena has said.
Trucks arriving at GB ports lack paperwork needed to enter region, business leaders say.
Increased traffic after Christmas break will test border control systems, says Varadkar.
£84 million funding program to train new agents is depleted. / Britain due to need up to 50,000 agents to handle red tape.
Preparations being made at ‘every port and access point from Europe’, senior officer say.